Future self pt. 1

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Age: 14
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1343

A/n: There will be a Part 2 at some point

You were aimlessly wandering around the empty compound; bored out of your mind while the the entire team–including your best friend Peter–were out on a mission

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You were aimlessly wandering around the empty compound; bored out of your mind while the the entire team–including your best friend Peter–were out on a mission. It wasn't fair.

You absolutely hated that your mother never allowed you to tag along, especially when you have the training and are much more capable of handling your own than Peter.

But as usual, she always won the arguments with one single sentence.

I cant loose you, Y/n.

It sounded so stupid when everyone came back without a single scratch, almost as if a fight never even broke out.

As you make your way to the lower floors, you come across Tony's lab. It was always off limits–no excuse. But you had aimlessly wandered around the entire compound your entire life and the only place you've never seen was the lab.

Smirking, you typed in a four digit code–the date of Tony and Pepper's first date. You silently hoped Tony was sentimental and actually set the code as their first date, otherwise you'd be in so much trouble.

And you were in so much trouble.

An alarm started blaring, alerting the empty compound of a break in in the lab. You were sure Jarvis was already alerting Tony and Tony already alerting your mother.

But just as quickly as the alarm began, you typed in one more four digit code–the date of his parents death.

It was a long shot, especially since at the time he had really only cared for his mother, but it had worked. The alarms stopped blaring and the glass door to the lab clicked open.

"Easy." You muttered to yourself, pushing the door open as the light automatically turned on.

Your eyes widened as you turned to see project upon project. It was absolutely incredible. You knew your uncle was a genius, but you never knew how much of that was true–especially since he was such a know-it-all.

As you turned toward the far corner of the lab, you noticed a large machine that stood up tall, wires exposed and connected to each outlet and a platform. It looked like something from the movies, something that could disintegrate any object–living or dead.

You approached the strange machine, eyeing it with so much wonder. It didn't seem to be completely finished–maybe just a prototype?

Assuming it was just a prototype, you powered it up. Of course it was stupid to touch something so obviously dangerous, but you were a curious teenager left alone with nothing else to do.

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