Traumatized by Mama pt. 2

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Age: 10
Warnings: adults being adults 🫠
Word Count: 1008

Nearly three to four times a week, you could hear your mother and your uncle Steve playing late at night

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Nearly three to four times a week, you could hear your mother and your uncle Steve playing late at night. They were being inconsiderate, especially since Natasha was so strict with your bedtime. But you didn't want to say anything. You rarely see your mom having fun and if late at night is the only time she can wrestle with Steve, then you don't want to ruin that.

But it was beginning to take a toll on you. You had never experienced this much exhaustion in your life. It felt as if you were an eighty year old woman–needing a nap a few times a day. Or a newborn baby–needing an entire day of sleep.

"What's up champ?" Tony asked as he walked into the kitchen, ruffling your hair. You were half asleep at the table and everyone was beginning to worry as you stared off into space without any acknowledgment of your uncle.

"Y/n?" Clint waved his hand in front of your face before your eyes slowly shifted to meet his. "What's going on with you?"

You glanced over at your mom, who seemed just as exhausted. She held her coffee in one hand, taking a small sip while her free hand continuously rubbed her temple. She looked stressed, but the bags under her eyes and the noises you heard last night was a clear sign that she was mostly tired.

"Come on," Tony sat down at the kitchen table beside you, gently nudging your arm. "Why so tired?"

You shrugged. "I heard mama playing with uncle Steve last night."

Natasha blinked, her cheeks turning as red as her hair as she choked on her coffee. The team erupted into a loud fit of laughter, each one of them knowing something you clearly didn't.

"What?" You questioned, confused. No one answered you, in fact, they were all incapable to answer. Tony was struggling to breath, slamming his hand against the table obnoxiously. Clint was stomping his foot as he too struggled to catch his breath. Bruce was snorting like an idiot and Thor's laugh was as loud as thunder. Steve sat there, too scared to join in on the laughter while your mother stared at him in complete shock.

Natasha was the only one who didn't think this was funny what so ever. Her ten year old daughter, once again, catching her having too much fun with Steve.

How long have you been hearing them? Do you still believe they're "wrestling"? God, she really hopes you haven't walked in on anything–again–without her knowing.

Natasha's cheeks went bright red, her eyes welling with embarrassment. She stood up quickly from the table, letting the chair fall behind her.

"Come on, y/n." She motioned for you to stand up as well, before guiding you away from the kitchen.

You could still hear the team laughing, Uncle Thor's being the loudest. "What's so funny, mama?" You questioned.

Natasha held your hand as she pulled you down the hall. "Never mind that." She mumbled.

"That kid is going to be traumatized for life." Tony crackled.

"What is this?" Clint struggled to say. "The second time this has happened?"

"Jesus Steve, how many times do you-"

Natasha grabbed your arm and pulled you upstairs, hoping to God you didn't hear what Thor was about to say.

"What's so funny about playing with Uncle Steve?" You asked, your brows furrowed with curiosity.

Natasha sighed as she entered your room with you following behind. She sat down on the edge of your bed, patting the space next to her.

"I think we need to have a little talk, sweetheart." She gently said. You nodded, climbing onto the bed and looking up at your mother with big curiosity filled eyes.

She sighed again, pushing a stray hair behind her ear as she thought of the best way to put this. "Uncle Steve and I are kind of in a relationship." She started.

"Your dating!" You exclaimed, a wide smile plastered on your face.

Natasha flinched. "Well, no." She watched as your brows furrowed once again. "It's more like...we both have...certain needs that haven't been met in a very long time. And we kind of, you know, help each other out."

"You mean wrestling?" You asked innocently.

"It's more than that." Natasha mumbled, her cheeks flushing from embarrassment. She definitely didn't imagine having this conversation with her ten year old. She'd prefer to at least wait another year. "Remember when I told you how babies were made?"

"The storks!" You giggled.

Natasha chuckled. "Well, that's the kid version of the story. What really happens is when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they, uh, wrestle. And sometimes a baby is made."

"You want another baby?"

"No, no, no. This isn't coming out right." She mumbled to herself. "Adult wrestling is a lot more than what you see when the team trains. It's a lot more...intimate."

Natasha took a breath, trying to find the right words. "Steve and I aren't looking to make a baby. I have you and you're all I need. But, sometimes adults have an extra need that only another adult can fulfill."

"So you're just having sex." You stated.

Natasha froze on the spot. "What did you say?"

"You and uncle Steve are having sex." You repeated with a smirk.

"Who-what...did Tony put you up to this?"

You giggled. "Who else?"

Natasha slammed her hand against her temple, shaking her head. "I'm going to kill him."

"You don't have to sugarcoat this stuff mom." You said. "I'm growing up, plus I'm supposed to start learning this stuff next year anyway."

She stared blankly at you. "Stop growing up."

You giggled, leaning into your mothers side and wrapping your arms around her neck. "I cant help it."

She rubbed your back in small circles, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "And stop going to Tony to mess with me."

"No promises."

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