Caught red handed

8.7K 142 31

Age: 15
Warnings: underage drinking
Word Count: 1519

I changed it a little, I hope that's okay :)

Your bedroom door creaked as you slowly opened it, leaving you paralyzed in fear

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Your bedroom door creaked as you slowly opened it, leaving you paralyzed in fear. Your mother was the Black Widow, it was impossible to sneak out or do anything without her knowing.

You knew that if she caught you, it'd be over. Natasha was a very strict mother, and if she caught you–which she normally does–your life as you know it would be over.

As soon as you were sure Natasha didn't wake, you continued your silent trip downstairs. You tiptoed and avoided the wooden floor panels that would creak under your weight, knowing exactly where those were from past experiences.

And soon enough, you successfully made it out of the house, dressed in blue ripped jeans and a white tube top–an everyday basic girl outfit.

The party was impressive to say the least. Hundreds of people showed up, alcohol beverages were provided, and the music was louder than Tony's parties.

He has some competition. You thought with a smirk, similar to your mother's.

Quickly grabbing a drink, you walked over to your friends who were already dancing and grinding on their boyfriends while you waited for yours to show up.

It was hard to maintain a relationship with your boyfriend, especially since technically you weren't allowed to date until you were sixteen. Plus, if Natasha ever found out you've been dating an older guy, she'd have a heart attack.

But part of the thrill was keeping it hidden from your mother.

You finished off your third drink before you felt a pair of strong hands wrap around your waist and his hot breath on your neck.

"Jake!" You exclaimed, feeling a little tipsy. "You're here!" You leaned into his body as he swayed you back and forth to the music.

Your friends were all dancing with their boyfriends, staring at you with impressed eyes. They've never met your boyfriend before because he was in fact much older.

He had already graduated high school two years ago and moved on to be a construction worker in the city.

You leaned your head back, asking for a kiss from Jake and he did so sweetly. Your face was blotchy and red from the alcohol, your body felt heavy and you were grateful that Jake was there supporting your body.

Hours had passed, and more people seemed to flood through the doors. Those who have been at the party for hours beforehand, including you, were already wasted.

You had absolutely no sense of what was happening anymore. You stumbled everywhere, practically crawling just to grab yet another drink. Your mouth couldn't even form words anymore and you were surprised that you were still able to understand the lyrics of almost every song that played.

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