Car wreck

6.7K 193 124

Age: 16
Warnings: fighting, blood, swearing, yelling, etc
Word Count: 1644

You balled your fists up, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you stare at the sixteen year old guy who passed you in the hall

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You balled your fists up, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you stare at the sixteen year old guy who passed you in the hall. Your jaw clenched as his words replayed in your mind.

Your mother is never around for a reason.

You turned around, grabbing his arm and whipping him around. He smirked just before your fist collided with his nose, blood trickling down his Cupid's bow.

"What the fuck!" Nate yelled, stumbling back against the lockers as he pressed his hand against his now bloody nose.

A crowd of students surrounded the two of you as you kneed him in the groin. He doubled over just as you backed away. Your eyes widened, looking down at your fists, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

Nate was quick to recompose himself as the crowd around you began chanting. You tried pushing past everyone, wanting to leave as you stare at your hands in shock.

What the hell happened?

Unshed tears make their way to the surface as you were grabbed from behind, and suddenly his fist struck your cheek bone.

"Awww." He mocked. "Are you crying?"

You just shook your head, trying to escape his grip on your wrist. "Let me go."

He chuckled, pushing you around as the crowd continued to chant. Finally, you pushed him with enough adrenaline for him to let go of your wrist and stumble back.

No one wants a monster on the team.

Kicking him in the stomach, Nate fell to the ground and you immediately climbed on top of him, straddling him as you punched him until all you could see was blood.

You're a killer just like your mother.

Large hands wrapped around your small form as someone tried pulling you away. You didn't care; you only wanted to hurt Nate.

You screamed, tears streaming down your cheeks as you fought against the teacher who tried pulling you away, accidentally elbowing them in the stomach.

You just wanted to hurt him, that was all. His face was already covered with blood, his eyes were swollen shut and his lip was completely busted.

You're a worthless piece of shit!

He tried protecting himself, but you continued to hit wherever was open, just trying to make him feel the pain you so badly wanted to inflict.

"Miss Romanoff!" A booming voice yelled over everyone. You looked up, coming back to your senses as the principal glared at you. "My office now."

You scoffed, picking up your bag from the floor and hoisting it up over your shoulder. Looking back, you could see some other teacher rush to Nate's aid; his face was unrecognizable and he seemed to be in unbearable pain.

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