Accidents Happen

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Age: 5
Warnings: fluff (I hope this makes up for the last chapter)
Word Count: 1069

You silently tiptoed across the hall, entering your mothers bedroom. She was sound asleep, looking peaceful.

The light from the hall illuminated her soft features as she lay sprawled across the bed. Her red brows were slightly knitted as a dream–good or bad, you couldn't quite tell–took over her emotions.

You could see her lips curl up into a small smile before quickly reverting back to her usual robotic like state.

You felt bad disturbing her sleep, though you needed your mother's help. You leaned over her bed, letting your feet dangle while staring intently at Natasha's closed eyes.

"Mama?" You nudged her gently, hoping she'd wake easily. Her eyes opened slightly as small smile crept onto her face.

"You wanna sleep with mommy?" She asked, already moving over and lifting the covers for you to crawl into. You shook your head, looking at her with a guilty look.

"What's wrong, детка?" Your mother cupped your cheek, stroking it softly with her thumb as she looked at you with a concerned expression.

"I had an accident." You mumbled, looking down at your toes. You felt embarrassed, your cheeks becoming a bright red and your eyes began to tear up.

"Oh sweetie." Natasha smiled at you as she got out of bed. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"I'm sorry mama." You whisper as she takes a hold of your hand and leads you back to your bedroom.

"Don't be sorry, моя любовь." (My love) Natasha assured you.

Once the both of you were in your bedroom, Natasha removed your sticky and now smelly pajamas, causing you to shiver from the conditioned air while she hurriedly picked out a new pair for you to wear during the night. She placed a cute pair of shorts in your bathroom along with a matching shirt and a pair of underwear.

As Natasha removed your bedding, you went to go put on your clean pajamas.

"No, no, not yet." Natasha rushed over to you, taking the clothing from your hands. You pouted at her, your big green orbs glossing over as tears began to fill.

"No don't cry." Natasha begged, picking you up and placing you on her hip. She giggled at you as you were completely naked and shivering.

"No bath." You whined, tiredly.

"Yes bath." She mimicked, turning on the tub faucet and filling it with bubbles.

You were held on your mother's hip–still naked–as she shoved your bed sheets and pajamas into the wash.

Finally, the tub was filled to the desired amount with bubbles overflowing, catching your attention immediately. You clapped your hands, giggling as Natasha gently placed you into the bath.

"See, not that bad right?" She questioned with an amused smirk. You giggled, intentionally splashing your mother as she reached over you to grab your body wash.

It was safe to say Natasha was absolutely soaked to the bone. You expected her to scold you, to grab your hands and give you the Natasha Romanoff look. But she only smiled.

You tilted your head, confusion evident in your green orbs.

"Is this your way of telling me mommy needs a bath?" Natasha questioned with an amused tone.

You giggled, "Mama's smelly!"

"Is that so?" She gasped, placing her hand over her heart playfully. She raised her arm, sniffing her armpit before her face contorted at the smell. You immediately burst out in laughter as Natasha's disgusted expression remained.

"Take a bath with me." You offered, smiling. Natasha's face instantly turned back to her usual robotic-like expression as she checked her watch.

"Another time, детка." She said in her usual motherly tone. "It's late and mommy needs to get up early."

You pouted, adding the dramatic quiver Natasha could never say no to. "Oh all right." She gave in.

Natasha stripped down, stepping into the tub and letting you cuddle into her. She sat there for a while, enjoying the skin to skin contact that she wasn't going to be able to experience much longer.

Peeling you away from her body, Natasha began washing you down. She gently scrubbed the watermelon scented body wash over your body, making sure you were perfectly clean.

"What about my hair?" You asked, pointing to the messy ponytail. Natasha smiled, she always loved your hair. Your long auburn waves that she used to have. She ruined her's after dying it blue as a kid.

"We'll wash it another day." She told you, draining the bath. "It's getting late and моя сонная голова needs her rest." (My sleepy head) Natasha pinched your rosy cheeks as you giggled.

Natasha got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around her body before drying you off with a pink fuzzy towel. She helped you into your clean underwear and pajamas, noticing the tired state you were in.

"Come on, детка." (Baby) Natasha picked you up after changing into her own pajamas. "Let's get you to bed.


Natasha gently put you down in her bed, tucking you in and giving you a soft lingering kiss on the forehead. You stared up at her with tired eyes, admiring your mother.

"Goodnight, мой милый ангел." (My sweet Angel) Natasha said. "I love you."

"I love you too mommy." You whispered. Natasha gave you one last kiss before making her way to the other side of her bed. Climbing in underneath the warm covers, you immediately cuddled into her; like a magnet.

"Mommy?" You ask, raising your head to look at her properly.

"Yes, детка?"

"I'm not a big girl like grandma says." You whisper sadly, tears forming in your eyes. Natasha sat up, pulling you onto her lap and stroking your back in an attempt to calm you down.

"You are a big girl." She says. "Your my big girl."

You huff, "Then why do I keep having accidents?" Tears begin streaming down your cheeks and Natasha was quick to wipe them away with her thumb.

"Honey, everybody has accidents." Natasha reassured you, kissing your forehead.

"Even you?"

She nodded. "Even me."

You snuggled back into your mother, your head resting against her breast. You could feel her chest rise and fall slowly as she drifted off to sleep, her heart beat at a steady, calming rate.

And you too fell asleep perfectly content in your mother's embrace.

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