
6.7K 171 18

Age: 14
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1057

Requested by me :)

You stood behind Natasha, your gun at the ready as you slowly stepped forward. You craned your neck enough to see Tony being blasted into the wall by Ultron but Natasha quickly put her arm out, stopping you from being seen.

You could hear the sounds of glass shattering and low grunts as Ultron and the enhanced twins fight against Tony, Steve and Thor. You wanted so bad to be part of that fight, but you knew the plan and had to stick with it. Not to mention, you were not allowed to leave your mother's side.

Suddenly, bullets were bouncing off the metal walls causing Natasha to step in front of you protectively.

"This was a mistake." She muttered, though you heard every word.

You rolled your eyes, pushing past your mother. You were more than capable of fighting on your own, you didn't need 'mommy' by your side.

"Y/n!" She called, quickly grabbing your wrist to stop you from leaving. "You know the rules."

Just as you pulled away from your mothers grip, two men walked in with their guns pointed toward the both of you. Natasha was quick to lunge at one of them while you charged for the second.

You managed to kick his gun out of his grip before jumping onto his back, wrapping your legs around his neck.

Natasha looked up to see you, feeling proud that you were doing what you've been trained, but also a bit fearful. She's only taught you what she knows, and she only knows what the Red Room has taught her. Her biggest fear is knowing that you are constantly being searched for by Dreykov.

Once the man fell unconscious, you jumped up excitedly, smiling wide.

"Good Job, Моя любовь." (My love) Natasha smiled, pulling you into a quick hug.

"Mama, can I please help uncle-" You were cut off by the sound of Thor's voice crackling through the coms sounding a bit distorted.

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I doubt a human can keep her at bay." He warned. "Fortunately, I am mighty."

You looked over at your mother, worry and a bit of fear evident in your emerald green eyes. She gave you no reassurance or any words of encouragement like she normally does when you are scared. Instead, she stumbled down the stairs in a daze almost.

"She's only a kid."

You whipped your head around to see one of the twins, the girl to be precise, staring at you with a look of guilt.

"Do it."


Nat's POV:

I found myself walking down the stairs of one of the Red Room buildings, watching as young girls silently walked passed me. I could feel my heart beat picking up, wondering how in the world I ended up here when I was just with my daughter fighting against Ultron.

Oh God, my daughter. Where the hell did she go?

I frantically looked around me, expecting her to be right beside me as I continued to walk toward a studio. More specifically, the ballet studio.

I was no longer focused on my daughter's whereabouts, only on the amount of girls I watched dancing in pain. There expressions disguised with only a robotic-like look.

"You'll break them." I said, watching as they did the same routine again, following Ivan's orders.

"Only the breakable ones." Madame B said, stepping closer to me. "You are made of marble, just like her."

The girls turned on pointe and suddenly I couldn't breathe.

"She'll celebrate after the graduation ceremony." Madame B smiled a wicked smile as my eyes began to water. The fear and worry I've felt over the past 14 years of my daughter's life suddenly coming to the surface.

"What if she fails?" I ask, though I knew exactly what happens when a girl fails.

They die.

I couldn't let my baby die.

I felt as though I was being dragged through 80 mile per hour winds, stopping immediately as I watched my daughter shooting at the target perfectly. Three shots with each hand, but only one hole. Even I wasn't that good.

"She never fails." Madame B told me. I was no longer watching my daughter shoot at the target, instead I was staring directly into her eyes. I have become the target.

And she didn't hesitate to shoot.


You rested your head against Natasha's shoulder as her hand was intertwined with yours. She wouldn't let go of you, and you definitely wouldn't complain.

The quinjet was completely silent as Clint flew you and the rest of the team to a safehouse. It wasn't an easy flight either, nearly everyone had experienced their worst nightmare and no one was ready to confront it.

You looked up at your mother, shaking. Her body was also slightly trembling, and she didn't blink once. She seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Mama?" You nudged her, trying to pull her out of whatever she was thinking.

Slowly, she looked at you. Her eyes gave away everything but her expression was soft as she tried to stay strong for you.

"Don't leave me." You whispered, gently laying your head back onto her shoulder. Her brows knitted together, shocked that you would even think that she'd leave you.

She cupped your face, looking at you with all seriousness. "What did she make you see?"

You shrugged, not exactly ready to share the terror you experienced only half an hour ago.

"Baby, you know I'd never ever leave you." She whispered, her voice wavering as she placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "I can promise you that."

You nodded, though it wasn't a very convincing nod to Natasha. She raised her brow, practically ordering you to tell her what was wrong.

"It's hard to keep that promise if you die." You replied in a weak voice, tears already running down your cheeks.

Natasha wiped away your tears with her thumb, giving you a weak smile. "Is that what she made you see?" She questioned. "You watched me die?"

You nodded slowly as more tears fell. Natasha pulled you into her embrace, peppering you with kisses as she hummed in content.

"You wont have to worry about that for a long time, Дорогой." (Sweetheart)

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