Shattered Television

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Age: 7
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1631

You and Morgan chased each other inside the compound, breathing heavily

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You and Morgan chased each other inside the compound, breathing heavily.

"I won!" You exclaimed loudly, causing all the adults to look over at the two of you.

"It's not fair, you cheated!" Morgan complained, stomping her foot.

Tony and Natasha eyed each other, a small smirk playing on both of their faces. Everyday there was a fight that broke out between you two. Morgan cheated on the board game and you cheated in the race. But after years of dealing with it, they realized no one cheated, you both just didn't like loosing.

"I did not!" You yelled, pushing Morgan into the doorframe.

"Hey!" Your mother bellowed, stomping over to you and grabbing your hand. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

You shrugged, still upset that Morgan accused you of cheating when you won fair and square.

"Do not put your hands on anyone, you hear?" Natasha scolded.

"But mama," you tried.

"No buts Y/n," Natasha warned. "It's not the end of the world."

You sighed, defeated. It did feel like the end of the world. You won that race fairly and yet you got nothing but scolded by your mother. It was all Morgan's fault!

You glanced up at Morgan who was on the verge of tears while Pepper made sure she wasn't hurt. She was fine, how much pain could she be in. None, absolutely none. How can a tiny seven year old hurt an eight year old?

"Y/n, I want you to apologize to Morgan." Natasha told you, eyeing you with a stern look.

"No." You crossed your arms over your chest. No way were you going to apologize, she started it.

"Now, Y/n." Natasha warned. "Or no toys for the rest of the night."

You burst into tears, "no!"

"Then I suggest you apologize." Natasha said, giving Pepper a little nod.

"Sorry." You mumble stubbornly.

Natasha nodded, thankful you cooperated with her for once. "Why don't you two go watch a movie before dinner."

"That's a great idea!" Pepper added on, knowing it'll calm the both of you down.

Morgan jumped up in excitement and grabbed your hand, pulling you toward the living room. As you were running with Morgan, you glanced back at your mama who mouthed two words. Be nice.

You nodded. Quite frankly, you didn't want to have your toys taken away, or be yelled at anymore. You just wanted to peacefully play before bedtime and then cuddle with your mama like you do every night.

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