Seasonal Allergies

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Age: 2
Warnings: none, just cuteness
Word Count: 694

Natasha was in the kitchen preparing waffles for breakfast when she glanced out the window

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Natasha was in the kitchen preparing waffles for breakfast when she glanced out the window. It was absolutely beautiful out, everything was beginning to bloom and the sun was beaming through the windows.

While the batter was cooking in the waffle maker, Natasha opened up all the windows, allowing the warm spring air to enter the compound.

As she set the table, placing a plate of waffles on your high chair tray and a plate for herself on the table, Natasha heard your soft cries from the baby monitor that sat on the counter.

Quickly, she made her way into your bedroom, cooing as soon as she saw you standing up in your crib.

Your eyes were swollen and red as you continued to itch them with your fists. Natasha worriedly inspected your eyes, nervous that something serious was wrong.

"Mama." You sniffled, raising your arms asking to be picked up. Natasha did so, placing you on her hip while bouncing you in order to make you giggle.

You smiled, letting out your cute little giggles as you wrapped your arms around your mother's neck.

"Does my маленький паук want breakfast?" (Little spider) Natasha asked, kissing your forehead.

You nodded, clapping your hands together with a wide toothy smile. As Natasha carried you downstairs to the kitchen, you noticed the delicious buttery waffles sitting on the table for you to dig into.

"Waffles!" You shrieked happily as your mother put you in your high chair.

Natasha chuckled at your cuteness, cutting the waffles to bite size pieces before drizzling syrup over them.

You stabbed a piece of waffle with your fork before shoving it in your mouth, Natasha doing the same.

An unexpected sneeze caused the chewed pieces of waffles to spray out and your boogers running down your Cupid's bow.

"Oh baby." Natasha cooed, quickly grabbing a napkin to wipe away the boogers and clean your mess.

Natasha could see you were about to sneeze again and immediately put the napkin to your nose, catching the boogers that flew out.

"Blow." Natasha ordered and you did so, clearing your nostrils.

You sniffled, rubbing your nose aggressively. Natasha kissed the top of your head, brushing your hair back with her fingers. "You have allergies?"

You nodded, sniffling.

"How about some medicine?" Natasha asked, already making her way to the cabinet filled with all different kinds of medications.

"No!" You screamed, knocking the rest of your waffles off your high chair tray.

"Baby, it's not the cold medicine." Natasha tried. "I promise."

She was already at your feet, cleaning the sticky mess of waffles and syrup as you continued to thrash around in your chair.

"Y/n, stop it." Natasha scolded, taking a hold of your hands. "Look how tiny it is."

Natasha held up the small Claritin chewable pill, making you stop crying and look at her with curiosity.

"I don't want it." You argued, folding your arms over your chest.

"Baby, please." Natasha begged. "Do you want to feel like this all day?"

You shook your head, looking out the window realizing how beautiful it was. You wanted to play with your mama, run around and roll through the freshly cut grass.

But you knew Natasha would never let you if you were dying from seasonal allergies.

"Fine." You mumbled, opening up your mouth. Natasha placed the chewable medicine on your tongue, instructing you to chew.

"It tastes like grapes." You smiled, you've always liked grape flavored things.

"Maybe listen to mommy next time." Natasha chuckled, picking you up and snuggling with you on the couch. "Mother knows best."

Your head shot up to meet your mother's eyes, "Tangled!" You shouted, clapping your hands.

Natasha laughed, already playing the movie as you snuggled deeper into her body. "We'll play outside once the medicine kicks in, okay?"

You nodded, your eyes glued to the tv. Natasha just watched you, admiring you as you picked at your nose. It was disgusting, but it was adorable for her.

She loved every part of you, even the disgusting boogers you dug around for and decided to show her.

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