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Age: 3
Warnings: Blood, sickness, puke
Word Count: 1786

I made "extra sick" into very, very extra sick.

You were cuddled underneath your mothers blankets, her body up against you

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You were cuddled underneath your mothers blankets, her body up against you. The heat radiating off of her alone was too much for you to handle but the heavy blankets on top of that made it ten times worse.

You tossed and turned until you felt comfortable, but the sweat still dripped down your forehead. With all your strength, you kicked your mother away from you, causing her to shift in her sleep.

You were absolutely exhausted.

Whining, you aggressively kicked the blankets off of you, feeling exposed to the monsters that could be lurking under the bed.

Natasha opened her eyes, slightly annoyed that your movements woke her up. "Shhh, it's okay моя любовь." (My love) Natasha whispered, stroking your hair away from your face. As soon as her fingers brushed against your damp forehead, her body went rigid.

"Baby are you feeling alright?" She asked, sitting up and taking a good look at your state. It wasn't just your forehead that had beads of sweat, but your entire body.

You slightly shook your head as she leaned in to kiss your forehead, her lips lingering on your skin for a while longer to feel your temperature.

"Oh baby, your burning up." She whispered picking you up and taking you to the bathroom.

As she grabbed some medicine from the cabinet, you immediately turned your head away, folding your arms over your chest.

"Come on sweetie, it'll help." She pleaded.

"No!" You threw your arms out, hitting and kicking your mother until she dropped the medicine on the floor.

"We don't hit mommy." Natasha scolded, holding your arms. "Understand?"

You screamed at the top of your lungs as Natasha bent down to clean up the spilt medicine, your tears streaming down your cheeks.

It was too early for a tantrum and Natasha was already annoyed that she was woken up. Of course, your mother would do anything to make sure you were alright, but she certainly didn't want to deal with your screams at two in the morning.

As Natasha stood up, she noticed blood trickling down your Cupid's bow. Her horrified look scared you, making you cry louder.

"No, no shhh." Natasha comforted you, grabbing a tissue and wiping away at the blood. "It's okay, it's just a bloody nose."

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