Don't mess with a Romanoff

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Age: 15
Warnings: fighting, blood
Word Count: 889

Your locker slammed shut, just barely missing your hand that you had swiftly removed

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Your locker slammed shut, just barely missing your hand that you had swiftly removed. Two girls just a grade older than you stood on either side of you, blocking your path to the cafeteria.

"Move." You ordered, glaring at the girl who had slammed your locker shut.

She shook her head, smirking as the girl behind you pushed you into the wall of lockers. You groaned at the sudden and unexpected contact.

"I don't have any lunch money with me today." You said, hoping they'd take your lies and leave you alone. Though you were an experienced liar, neither one of them believed you.

How could they?

The Avengers would never let their precious girl starve at school.

"Come on, Y/n." The blonde girl–Marie–chuckled, holding out her hand. "We want to eat before lunch is over."

"I can't make money appear." You shrugged. "I'm not a magician."

Almost immediately upon saying those words, the brown haired girl–Riley–sent a fist to your nose.

Your eyes widened with shock, even slight confusion as you never saw that coming–especially from Riley.

You brought your hand up to your nose, touching the tenderness and wincing slightly. It was definitely broken. You could feel blood drip down your Cupid's bow, the salty metallic taste lingering on your tongue.

"Don't mess with a Romanoff."

With a deranged look in your eye, you leaped forward, tackling Riley to the ground. She yelped in fear, lying flat on her back as you pinned her down. You threw a punch to her jaw and she quickly retaliated with a kick to your abdomen.

The kick was weak as most of her strength was illuminated due to you pining her down–just like your mother taught you. A small smile formed on your lips as you still had the upper hand, continuing to punch Riley until she stopped struggling against you.

But that never happens as Marie grabbed you by your braided hair, pulling you off of Riley and slamming you back into the lockers.

Another groan escaped your lips as your head throbbed from the unimaginable pain from your broken nose.

God, it hurt.

Marie was just about to slam a fist into your jaw before you quickly dodged it, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!" She cried, trying to escape your grip. Though every time Marie moved, you pulled her arm just a little bit more–threatening to break it.

Looking over at Riley, you could see that she was passed out on the floor. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth and a large black and blue bruise formed on her jaw.

You snickered, realizing that you had just proven your own mother wrong.

I can handle it!

Gaining that extra confidence, you twirled Marie around so she was facing the lockers and slammed her head into them.


She was out like a light.

Your couldn't help but smile to yourself as you walked away from the two unconscious girls. Though your smile immediately dropped upon hearing your name.


Natasha snuck a few glances at you while she sat in the principal's office, receiving complaint after complaint of your recent behavior.

It shocked her completely getting a call from your school as you never got yourself in trouble.

A part of her wanted to be proud–and she absolutely was–but you had proved her wrong on the wrong people and in the wrong place.

She had to be a mother before she could be a mentor.

"Let's go." Natasha ordered, eyeing the two girls that were now conscious–but very bruised. "Now, Y/n."

You slowly got up from your seat, not once taking your eyes off of Riley and Marie.

"Your mommy seems mad." Marie teased. "I hope she doesn't give you a Widow's bite as a punishment."

Rylie giggled. "I heard it's super poisonous."

You jumped into action, throwing yourself onto Marie. She screamed, causing Natasha to whip around.

"Y/n, God Dammit." She seethed, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you off the blonde haired girl.

You let go, not wanting to get in any more trouble than you already are in. Natasha however, didn't trust you and kept a firm grip on your arm.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Your mother asked as soon as the two of you got in the car.

You shrugged. "They wouldn't leave me alone and I just did what you told me to."

Natasha shook her head, placing her forehead on the steering wheel in annoyance. "I never told you to beat anyone up."

"Don't mess with a Romanoff. Isn't that what you told me to tell them?" You question.

Natasha looked back at you with a small smile. You listened to her. For once in your life, you had listened to her words.

Reaching over, she placed her hand on the back of your head, massaging it with her fingertips. "I'm proud of you."

You looked over at her, your eyes wide. "You are?"

She nodded, smiling as she placed a soft kiss on your forehead. "But your still grounded."

"Saw that coming." You mumbled.

Natasha just smiled at you, placing one last kiss on your forehead before starting the drive back home.

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