Over Tired

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Age: 5 months
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1150

Age: 5 monthsWarnings: noneWord Count: 1150

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You were supposed to be napping. Natasha was supposed to finally get sleep. But instead you screamed your tiny lungs out, the ear-piercing sound causing the entire tower to wince.

Natasha was sleep deprived, not once having a good nights sleep since her second trimester of pregnancy.

Heaving a deep sigh, Natasha swung her legs over the edge of her bed and stood. She was dizzy, the world around her sounding fuzzy as she slowly made her way around the bed and to your crib.

Oh, how she wished she would have just climbed to the opposite side of the bed.

"Ты в порядке, любовь моя." (You're okay my love) Natasha whispered, clinging to the side of your crib. "Mama's here."

She looked down at you in awe, although her vision was completely blurred. She rubbed at her eyes, blinking until she could make out your tiny features.

You continued to cry out, the shrill sound so loud your mother couldn't even function properly–or was that her sleep deprivation?

She reached down to pick you up, holding you close to her chest. "Shh, детка mommy's here."

She rocked you back and forth slowly, though your screams only grew louder. Finally, leaning back against the headboard, Natasha pulled her shirt down, exposing her tender and swollen breast.

You immediately latched on, suckling desperately as if your mama had forgotten to feed you. It was a strong possibility.

"Slow down, моя любовь." (My love) Natasha whispered. "My milk is for you and you only."

You however did not slowdown and suddenly as if a light bulb had gone off in your mother's head, she realized she did in fact forgot to feed you that morning.

Upon realizing, Natasha's eyes grew wide. How could she forget? What kind of mother was she?

Self deprecating thoughts and questions kept swirling her mind until suddenly, the world around her was simply an afterthought.

Listening to your small hums of content as you suckled needfully, Natasha was out like a light. Her head rested against the headboard while loosely holding you in her arms.

You could only stare up at your mama, green eyes full of curiosity. She seemed so peaceful–though she paid you no attention.

How dare she finally get some shut eye.


Yelena was quite surprised that your screams were silenced so quickly. Usually, it takes Natasha almost an hour just to figure out what you want.

"It's so quiet." Wanda breathed as she entered the kitchen where Yelena was holding a box of uncooked macaroni.

"Right?" She replied with her thick Russian accent, holding up the box of pasta. "You want some?"

Wanda shook her head, her brows furrowed as she gazed up at the ceiling. She seemed focused.

"That is creepy." Yelena commented. It seemed as though Wanda had been possessed–or maybe your auntie had been watching too many horror movies on her own.

"We should go check on Nat." Wanda said, finally removing her gaze from the ceiling.

"You were reading her mind, weren't you?" Yelena questioned, smirking. "Just wait until Natasha hears about this!"

Although Yelena was older than the eighteen year old sokovian, she most certainly didn't act older. Though she still followed Wanda up the stairs and into Natasha's bedroom.

"Awe, look how cute!" Yelena cooed, giggling at the sight in front of her. It was indeed cute–though definitely not something her sister would ever be caught doing.

Natasha was sound asleep, just barely holding you as you too had finally fallen asleep. Your mother just barely shifted her legs, causing you to tumble off the side of the bed.

Gasping, Wanda quickly outstretched her arm. Red wisps caught you just before you had hit the hard wood floors.

Surprisingly, neither you nor your mother had woken while Wanda had brought you close to her chest. She looked down at you before glancing back at Yelena who had a frightened look across her face.

"We should take her." Wanda suggested. "Nat hasn't slept in months, that's seriously dangerous."

Yelena nodded. "Yeah, plus she's been extra grouchy and I do not need her blaming me for stealing the peanut butter."

Wanda scoffed, rolling her eyes as she carried you out of your mothers room. Yelena followed suit. "It wasn't even me! I bet it was Thor!"


"Can that child be any louder?" Tony asked, pinching the bridge of his nose as Wanda and Yelena sit in front of your bassinet.

They tried anything ranging from funny faces to using Wanda's magic but nothing was working. Yelena was beginning to understand how Natasha felt and was so incredibly happy you were not her daughter.

That'd be a nightmare.

"Maybe a lullaby?" Yelena suggested, knowing that your mama would sing to you all the time.

Wanda inhaled a deep breath, ready to sing you a Sokovian Lullaby that her mother once sang to her. But the second she began, your screams only grew louder.

"Okay, maybe not."

"I'm getting Natasha." Tony suddenly said, standing up from the couch. "This demon is giving me a migraine."

Wanda was quick to stand up, using her magic to hold Tony back. "Don't! Nat deserves her sleep. The least we could do is help her out."

Tony rolled his eyes, hesitantly nodding. "Alright, fine. But if that kid isn't controlled by the time my medication kicks in, I'm waking Nat up to deal with it."

Wanda nodded. "Deal."


Natasha woke up in a state of worry, frantically looking for you. But you were not in her arms nor in your crib.

Gripping the banister like her life depends on it, Natasha was quick to run–or in her case, wobble down the stairs.

Despite her four hours of sleep, her vision was still blurred and the room continued to spin. Though the second her foot touched the last step, she heard your surprisingly soft cry's from the living room.

"So you two stole my kid." She said, smirking at the sight of both your aunts playfully bouncing you. It seemed to be the only thing calming you down at the moment.

"And you can have her back." Yelena said, handing you over to your mama as if you were some kind of disease. Though as soon as you were placed in your mother's arms, she knew why you were crying so hard.

"You didn't change her?" Natasha asked, raising you up to sniff your behind. Yup, you definitely needed your diaper changed.

Yelena shrugged. "That's asking a lot."

Wanda giggled. "We wanted you to rest so we tried to take care of her."

Natasha's lips curled into a generous smile as she kissed your cheek. "I appreciate it, really."

"Anytime!" Wanda exclaimed.

Yelena glared at Wanda before turning her gaze back to your mother. "Not me. Call me when she's potty trained."

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