Hurtful Words

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Age: 9
Warnings: a very sad sentence😭
Word Count: 2239

Natasha wasn't cut out for this life–she was never trained for it

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Natasha wasn't cut out for this life–she was never trained for it. But she tried, she really did. She wanted to keep her promise to Steve because you deserved it.

She had always felt undeserving of you. You were so innocent and cheery, always goofing off with those around you.

But no matter how many times Natasha has denied it–you scare her.

She has seen and done things that you would never be able to wrap your head around. She has murdered girls like you–snapped their necks without a second thought. She had seen the faces of those young girls, the same innocence you have.

It broke her heart then–but since having you, it was becoming hard to even look at you. She can't ruin your innocence. She can't ruin you.

Since you had entered the world, the responsibility over you had fallen to Steve. He was the one that had changed every diaper, soothed every fever, and endured every tantrum. He was the father you never had.

But raising a nine year old girl that was just as stubborn and headstrong as her mother was proving to be harder day by day. Especially when that child isn't even his to begin with–though he wishes so badly the three of them could be a family.

Through the years, Steve had noticed the way you crave for your mothers attention. He notices how your demeanor immediately changes the second she walks into the room, how you watch her with curious eyes.

His heart aches for you; wishing your mother knew just how much you really needed her. He had tried telling her in the past, but those conversations always ended with guilt ridden tears.

He kept trying to get through to her–every night and every morning–he'd bring up how miserable you were beginning to get. But Natasha had convinced herself that she'd only make it worse.

"You're giving up." He dryly said, watching as her eyes narrowed. Natasha Romanoff–The Black Widow–does not like to hear those words. Giving up.

"Excuse me?"

The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her–but he had to get through to her somehow. "You act like she's nothing, like you don't care." He took a deep breath. "Like you don't love her."

Natasha stepped back, tears already forming in those perfect olive green orbs. "Excuse me?" She couldn't believe her ears.

"Don't you ever say I didn't love my daughter!" She seethed, her brows furrowed. "Everything I've done was out of love."

"Everything you've done?" Steve repeated, letting out a forced laugh. "Nat, you've done nothing!"

Natasha couldn't argue. He was right, she has done absolutely nothing.

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