The Miracle

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Age: Unborn
Warnings: none
Word count: 741

Madame B. felt Natasha was ready for the graduation ceremony when she was 18 but Natasha purposefully started failing her tests, in hopes she'll fail and have an opportunity to escape. Seeing through her attempts, Madame B. put Natasha through the sterilization anyway.

"Not her." Dreykov said as Madame B. rolled Natasha down the hall on the operation table. Natasha was already given anesthesia and was having a hard time following the conversation between the two.

"But sir," Madame B. stopped as Dreykov put his hand up to signify silence.

"Trust me..."

Natasha woke up hours later, feeling emotionally vulnerable as she came to the realization that she could never have children. She suddenly felt as if her life had no meaning anymore. She tried sitting up and saw Dreykov sitting in a chair at the foot on the bed.

"What are you gonna do to me?" Natasha asked moving her body trying to loosen the straps.

"It's not what I'm gonna do." Dreykov started. "Its what I already did." Natasha didn't understand. It was like her brain was still trying to wake up from the anesthesia.

"I can't wait around for another girl with your potential, so I had to improvise." He said with a slight smirk.

"No..." Natasha's eyes grew wide with fear.

"Yes, Natasha." Dreykov said, making his way over to Natasha's head, rubbing his hand over her forehead. "I need to create the ultimate assassin, the only way was to artificially inseminate you."

Natasha's eyes flooded with tears. This was not supposed to be her life, and now her life was going to be passed down to her child's life.

"You see, Natasha." Drekov started. "My plan is to have you and your children reproduce, giving me more successful..."

"What if it's a boy?" She interrupted him as she eagerly wondered.

"I'll just kill him and try again." Dreykov said with a smile. Natasha had no way out of this. If this first time isn't successful, he'd try again. If it is successful, her child would face nothing but horror and that's something Natasha couldn't bare to think.


Three months went by, Natasha was pregnant. She was kept in a cell, not allowed out and obviously not allowed to train. Dreykov made sure Natasha was eating healthy as this was going to be his ultimate spy.

Natasha spent months coming up with a plan to escape. Today was the day she executed that plan.

"Natasha!" Dreykov yelled as he tried to quickly open the cell to Natasha seizing on the ground. Two men followed Dreykov into the cell and carried her out of the cell onto a stretcher. Dreykov knelt down inspecting the food he had just given her, in case someone had poisoned it. He couldn't lose that child, it was his experiment.

Just before the men strapped Natasha in the stretcher, she quickly kicked the men off her and closed the cell, locking Dreykov in there. Natasha took down one man while the other one jumped on her back, causing her to stumble.

"Don't hurt her!" Dreykov yelled from inside the cell. Natasha slammed her body into the wall, causing the man on her back to slam his head, his body fell lifeless.

Natasha ran as fast as she possibly could to get to the door. She could hear footsteps behind her, catching up quickly as she was quickly running out of breath. A man grabbed Natasha by the wrist and pulled her back, holding her in a headlock. The other men were starting to catch up but she couldn't let this be it. She had to get out, she had to give you a future.

Natasha used all her strength to pull her legs up and wrap them around the mans neck. This move definitely couldn't have been good for her baby, but it let her have her chance at freedom. She was just about to be grabbed by another man as they had finally caught up, but she was a second faster and took off toward the door again.

Natasha never looked back as she ran until she couldn't hear anymore footsteps. She stopped by a rock under a tree, in the middle of nowhere, breathing hard. She looked down at her stomach and placed a hand over the small bump.

"We did it, little one." She said sitting down on the ground. "I'll always protect you."

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