Independence day

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Age: 7
Warnings: kind of a resemblance of 9/11
Word Count: 1019

Age: 7Warnings: kind of a resemblance of 9/11 Word Count: 1019

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A/N: I hope it's okay I did Independence Day instead. I know it's a United States holiday and some of my readers aren't from here so just let me know if you want something different.

You and your cousins ran around the compound's large yard, laughing and having the time of your lives. It was dark, the only light coming from the building's flood lights.

You and your cousins were never allowed to play outside when it was this dark–but July 4th was an exception.

After the celebration of your Uncle Steve's 95th birthday, the team had gathered in the back yard with a bunch of snacks and blankets laid out on the grass.

The adults sat with a beer in hand, watching you and the other children play while they waited for the firework show to start.

Every once in a while you and your cousins will come barreling toward the adults, giggling as you shovel a few chips into your mouths before running off to play again.

Natasha couldn't wipe the smile off her face, seeing you so happy and carefree. It brought tears to her eyes, reminding her that this–America–was the place to be.

"Kids!" Tony called. "The fireworks are about to start!"

A stampede of little feet was all anyone could hear as you and your cousins came running.

Peter practically slide tackled Tony, beating Morgan in their little race.

"Not fair!" Morgan whined, crossing her arms and pouting.

Pepper chuckled slightly as she moved away from Tony's other side to make space for the little girl.

Then came Cooper and Lila, each falling on top of their father while little Nate came wobbling over as fast as his little legs would go.

"Oof." Clint exclaimed as all three of his children knocked him onto his back.

You were the last to sprint toward your mother, her arms wide open for you to collapse into. Natasha had to brace herself as you tripped over the blanket and fell right into her lap.

She chuckled, brushing your messy auburn hair from your face. "My clumsy girl." She mumbled, kissing your forehead.

You giggled uncontrollably as you situated yourself as close to your mother as possible.

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