Traumatized by Mama

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Age: 10
Warnings: swears, a little smut I guess?? Idk
Word Count: 1036

Natasha had stumbled back into the compound late during the night, a bit intoxicated

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Natasha had stumbled back into the compound late during the night, a bit intoxicated. Kicking off her heels, she immediately shrunk herself into the leather couch, expecting to just fall asleep.

"She had a hard time going to sleep knowing you where out and about." Steve said, coming into the living room and sitting beside her.

"She's an anxious kid." Natasha shrugged, slightly slurring her words. "Thank you."

Steve smiled; any excuse to look after you was a win in his books. "She's a good one, you got lucky."

She looked down, trying to hide the smile that instantly appeared. "I did, didn't I?"

Leaning into his strong form, Natasha hummed in content. His hand rested against her bare thigh, slowly inching up and moving the fabric of her dress out of the way.

"I know what your doing, Rogers." Natasha smirked, causing Steve to quickly pull away. She groaned at the loss of his touch.

The two sat in the living room, staring at the wall in front of them. No lights were on, no tv, and not to mention it was almost 1am.

"I-I should go check on Y/n and get some sleep." Natasha suddenly spoke. "Big day tomorrow."

Looking back at Steve, Natasha expected him to say something. Tell her no and pull her back into his embrace. But he only agreed.

"You are an old man." She joked, following him up the stairs.

"Very funny, Romanoff."

Natasha was about to walk into your room to say goodnight when suddenly a pair of strong hands pulled her away, slamming her against the wall.

She smirked, finally seeing the lust in his ocean blue orbs. Grabbing him by the collar, she pulled him into her bedroom, closing the door as quickly and quietly as possible.

Natasha didn't even have time to release a breath of relief before she was pushed onto the bed. He crawled over her, slamming his lips against hers.

Steve moved down, marking his territory on her neck while Natasha removed his shirt. Her palms stroked his abs, eyes wide and her heart beating rapidly. Oh, how she couldn't wait.

Steve ripped her panties off, smirking before removing his own pants. Natasha's heart fluttered as he looked at her with nothing but desire.

Climbing back on top of her, Steve was careful, gentle even as he leaned down to place another kiss on her plump lips.

"Are you sure?" Natasha couldn't wait any longer, she needed him to touch her, she needed him inside her.

"Just fuck me already." She replied, moaning at the contact of his fingers against her heat.

He smirked, "Not yet."

Natasha was a moaning mess at his contact. He was good, too good.

"Mama?" Your voice was quiet, scared that someone was hurting your mother. You couldn't see much but you could hear her.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Natasha jumped off the bed, wrapping herself in one of her blankets before kneeling in front of you.

Tears welled up in your eyes, "I-I thought someone was hurting you."

Natasha shook her head, kissing your forehead. She felt terrible, like the worst mother on the planet. The least she could have done was lock the door.

"Why don't you go back to your room, okay?" She suggested. "I'll be there in a minute."

Natasha waited until you left the room before quickly turning back, pulling out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear.

"Nat, I'm so sorry." Steve said, putting his own shirt back on.

Natasha shook her head, "I have to go explain to her that I wasn't being murdered."

Steve chuckled but stopped immediately after receiving a harsh glare from her. "I'm serious, Steve! How am I supposed to explain what was actually happening?"

"The truth?" He suggested.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "She's ten."

The two only looked at each other. There was no way Natasha could explain anything without traumatizing you more.

"God, there's so many ways to fuck up your kids."


"" Natasha was at a loss for words as she looked into your questioning eyes.

"Are you sure uncle Steve wasn't hurting you?" You questioned, pointing at your mothers neck.

Natasha's eyes went wide, "You know it was uncle Steve?" She was sure you didn't see much, especially him. It was too dark, but here you were claiming that you saw your uncle Steve hurting your mama.

"Well, I heard him." You shrugged. Oh God, it keeps getting worse.

"Alright, I need you to listen to me carefully." Your mother put her hands on either side of your face, stroking your cheeks gently. "No one was hurting me, we-we were playing."

Your brows scrunched together, "Playing?"

Natasha nodded her head vigorously, grateful she was able to come up with something on the spot.

"Like what Aunt Wanda and Vision do?" You ask innocently.

"WHAT!?" Natasha was shocked, her mouth hung open and her eyes went wide.

"You know, they play wrestle sometimes."

A relieved chuckle left Natasha's body, "Yes, детка. We were play wrestling."

You smiled, wrapping your arms around Natasha's neck. "I'm glad you weren't hurt."

Natasha's brow furrowed, she wanted to circle back to that topic. "Baby, even if I was being attacked, you can't do that."

"I wanted to help."

"No sweetie, you ever hear someone getting attacked, you hide." Natasha raised her right brow, emphasizing her case. "Understand?"

"Yes mama." You muttered, hanging your head. Natasha lifted your head with her pointer finger, giving you a loving kiss on your forehead.

She helped you into bed, gently tucking you in while admiring you. Yup, that's correct, she created you. "Stop growing up, I want to cuddle you forever."

You giggled, moving over to allow room for your mother. She happily climbed in, pulling you into her embrace while you rested your head against her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

"Goodnight, моя любовь." (My love) Natasha whispered. "I love you more than anything."

"I love you too, mom." You smiled, before letting sleep take over.

Little did she know, you ended up hiding under your bed nearly every night.

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