
6.6K 133 20

Age: 18
Warnings: none
Word count: 858

Y/n's POV:
While everyone left for a mission, I decided to make thanksgiving dinner. Usually we order Chinese food for thanksgiving, something simple and easy, since no one around here has the skills to cook a whole feast; but I wanted to do something different.

I had just taken the turkey out of the oven, the smell filling my nostrils. I couldn't wait, everyone around the table, laughing and joking around while we feast on the turkey.

I began setting the table with a plate for the original six plus me of course. The turkey sat in the middle of the table while the rest of the food was scattered around the turkey.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 5:13pm and with a big smile I sat down at the table, just a few more minutes until they were home.

Nat's POV:
I took cover behind a car and quickly pulled out my phone, calling my daughter.

"Hey mom!" She sounded so excited to hear from me .

"Hi baby." I replied with a smile. "I'm so sorry but-"

"Mama, no, don't say it!" She begged me. It broke my heart that she knew what I was going to say. It recalled shows how much I actually say it.

"Baby, I have no choice." I said trying to get her to understand.

"But mama, it's thanksgiving!" She almost screamed at me, I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

I completely forgot it was thanksgiving, but it wasn't a holiday we celebrated with a feast like other families. I didn't really understand why it upset her so much.

"I'm sorry baby girl, I'll make it up to you i promise." I told her. "I'll buy you Chinese for dinner tomorrow, how does that sound?"

She only sighed, she didn't say "goodbye" or "I love you" like she normally does, she just sighed and hung up.

"She hates me." I told Clint as we paired up to shoot at the oncoming enemies in front of us.

"She's just upset, she'll get over it." He replied, shooting one of his arrows.

"How did your kids handle the disappointment?" I asked.

"They don't, I make time for them." He said, which made me a little angry. He has two families he makes time for and I can barely make time for my daughter. My whole heart.

I needed to go home as soon as possible.

Y/n's POV:
I slammed my phone on the table, got up and stormed into my room. My mother has never, ever missed a holiday with me, even if we don't celebrate it normally.

I felt so alone, thanksgiving is supposed to be spent with friends and family, not by yourself. But here I was, spending this holiday alone.

I got into my bed, covered with all my blankets and tried to hold back my cry. I shouldn't be crying over this, it's stupid. Mom would never cry over this, she probably spent multiple holidays alone before I was born.

But grandma always told me pain only makes us stronger. Does emotional pain apply to that as well?

I couldn't hold in my tears any longer, they just spilt out, my pillow catching them.

Nat's POV:
I left the team behind, I knew my daughter needed me. As I spring into the compound l, the first thing I saw was the kitchen table filled with food, the turkey in the very middle. It felt as though someone punctured a hole into my heart.

I run upstairs to my daughters room and without knocking, open it. I see her hidden under the covers, but I could tell she was crying. The blankets heaved with her heavy breaths as I make my way to her. I got into bed beside her and held onto her.

"I'm so sorry baby girl." I whisper into her hair, I could feel her shaking her head against my cheek.

"You don't understand mama." She whined, reminding me of the days when she whined about not getting a toy she wanted. I smiled, a whining 18 year old, that's new.

"Baby, I saw what you did." I said and she looked up at me with her emerald green eyes. They were glossier than ever and it hurt to know I made them that way. "I'm proud of you."

Her smile, it made my day.

"Why don't we go downstairs and enjoy that feast you made us?" I suggested, pulling her into a hug.

"Is everyone else here?" She asked, just a hint of hope in her voice.

I shook my head. "No, they wanted to, but they had to finish the mission."

"You should have finished it, I would have been fine."

"Oh shut up." I laughed. "I'm here now, let's go enjoy thanksgiving dinner, shall we?"

I pulled Y/n out of bed and took her downstairs, almost running as if it were Christmas morning and I was the child.

"Happy thanksgiving mom." She smiled at me as she stuffed a turkey wing into her mouth.

"Happy thanksgiving baby girl."

A thanksgiving special after thanksgiving lol. I spent thanksgiving alone and felt kinda sad so thought I'd write a small one about it.

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