Stubborn Pt. 2

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Age: unborn/new born
Warnings: birth?
Word Count: 1188

Natasha was nine months pregnant and crankier than ever. She begged to be out on the field, to complete a small mission but no one, especially Steve allowed that.

She was going crazy, sitting on the sidelines as everyone else was out on the field. She needed a good fight, she needed a couple bruises and scrapes. Maybe even a broken bone. She needed something.

The team had a hard time keeping Natasha away from the hero work. Even desk duty wasn't allowed as Natasha would easily get stressed over that. And according to Bruce, she wasn't allowed to be in any stressful circumstances.

It was safe to say that Natasha was definitely a stubborn one and the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Natasha wanted you out. She wanted to hold you so badly, she wanted to sing you to sleep and kiss your chubby cheeks. But you were just as stubborn as your mama.

You were an entire week late.

Of course, Natasha was absolutely terrified of birthing you, but she was sick of being pregnant. She was sick of weighing an extra 25 pounds.

"Nat, you'll be okay." Steve comforted her. Natasha was on her back, once again unable to sleep as you move and kick at your mama's ribs. "She's just enjoying the home you've created for her."

Natasha glared at him. The first time hearing that was heart melting, but the seventeenth time in a week was more than enough. She could care less about how comfortable you were in her womb, she wanted you out now.

"Come on, Natasha." He rolled his eyes. "Even after she arrives you won't be able to go back to work right away."

She scoffed. "I know, but if she came last week like she was supposed to, then I would have been back at work a week early."

God, was she stubborn. "That's not how it works."

Natasha was about to reply with a sarcastic comment when suddenly she shot up in pain, her hand immediately going to her lower abdomen.

"What's wrong?" Steve questioned worriedly as Natasha began breathing in and out slowly.

She didn't answer, but her eyes gave away exactly what Steve needed to know. Her green eyes became tearful while a smile formed across her face.

"She's coming?" He asked, his voice a whisper.

Natasha smiled wider, her tears falling down her cheeks. "My water just broke."

With help from Steve, Natasha wobbled down to the medical room; Jarvis alerting Bruce. She struggled to sit, cursing herself for being heavily pregnant.

Or maybe she should be cursing Steve?

"Alright Natasha, it looks like your only 3 centimeters dilated." Bruce informed, yawing a bit as it was 1am.

"And how many centimeters does she have to be dilated?" Steve inquired, holding Natasha's hand and rubbing small circles over her knuckles.

"10 centimeters before we can start pushing." Bruce replied, jotting down some notes on his clipboard.

Both Natasha and Steve's mouths fell open. Natasha was already in so much discomfort, and you weren't even close to being ready to enter the world. Steve, well he was just afraid for your mama.


36 hours. Natasha was in labor for 36 hours.

Her hair was matted down against her face, the beads of sweat trickling down her forehead.

She will forever hold a grudge.

Steve continued to dab a cold wet cloth to her forehead, removing the sticky hairs away from her eyes as she squeezed his hand in pain.

Steve was a super soldier and man, Natasha's grip is no joke.

Bruce came running in after Jarvis had alerted him. He quickly checked how many centimeters Natasha was dilated, before proceeding to wash his hands.

Natasha groaned with annoyance as Bruce took his sweet time getting things situated for the birth. Even Steve was getting anxious as he hated seeing Natasha in so much pain.

"Okay, I want you to start pushing now." Bruce said, sitting down at the foot of the hospital bed.

Natasha did just as he asked, pushing as hard as possible. Her grip practically broke Steve's bones as she screamed in pain.

"I-I can't do this." She gasped, breathing heavily. Tears were falling down her cheeks as another contraction hit.

"Yes you can." Steve encouraged. "For our baby girl."

Natasha wasn't convinced but she knew she was the only one capable of getting you into the world, so with another deep breath she pushed again.

Her screams could be heard throughout the compound, worrying the avengers who were on the edge of their seats waiting for your arrival.

"I see her head, Nat!" Bruce exclaimed. "Almost there!"

Steve was quick to let go of her hand and move to where Bruce was. He didn't care about the disturbing mess, all he cared about was seeing you.

"What?" Natasha questioned worriedly. "What's wrong? Is she okay?"

Millions of horrible thoughts raced through her head as yet another contraction caused her to whimper in pain.

Both men were too distracted to ease Natasha's worries, causing her to shake with fear. What was going on?

"Hey, hey." Steve quickly reappeared by her head, grabbing her hand in reassurance. "Everything's alright, she's almost here."

That gave Natasha enough strength to keep pushing. She was exhausted, her eyes just barely staying open and her body in an immense amount of pain, but knowing that you were almost here is what kept her going.

"One more push!" Bruce announced.

Natasha screamed, her voice cracking as her head fell back in exhaustion. The shrill sound of your cry's could be heard and Natasha was quick to open up her eyes.

Bruce placed you on your mothers bare chest and she immediately burst into tears. Both your mother and father looked at you with adoration.

"I'm so proud of you, Natasha." Steve said, kissing her forehead before kissing yours. "She's absolutely beautiful."

Natasha cuddled you, glad that you were finally here. "My baby..." She whispered, astonished. "My own baby girl."


Once Steve gave them the okay, the Avengers tiptoed into the medical room, trying their hardest to be quiet though failing miserably.

Natasha was sound asleep while Steve rocked you gently, smiling down at you. He couldn't get over how small you were; the size of his forearm.

Your dad handed you over to Wanda who immediately gasped at the sight of you. "She's beautiful."

"Let me see!" Thor boomed, pushing past the rest of the Avengers.

Everyone shushed him in unison, but Natasha had already woken up with a scowl across her face. "I just spent 36 hours in labor, the least you could do is be quiet."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."


"Where's my daughter?" Natasha eyed Wanda, silently asking her to hand you over. She did so nicely, smiling at your mama with proudness.

"Do you have a name picked out?" Wanda inquired, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking your cheek.

Natasha cuddled you, looking up at Steve and nodding slightly.

"Everybody, meet Y/n Alianovna Rogers."

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