Hooking up

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Age: 16
Warnings: idek this is so embarrassing 💀
Word Count: 992

It was almost three o'clock in the morning and not a single ounce of your body felt tired

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It was almost three o'clock in the morning and not a single ounce of your body felt tired. You were comfortably tucked underneath your blankets and the room was dark enough for your body to understand it was time to sleep–but you just couldn't.

You were so sleep deprived with only having four hours of sleep for the entire week. You wished you could just sleep, to recharge your body and regain the energy you used to have.

But that was out of the question.

Some part of you wanted to go into your mother's room to sleep as her presence always made you feel comfortable enough to close your eyes. However, the sounds coming from Natasha's room told you she was a little bit busy and couldn't sleep herself.


Natasha lay on her back, breathing heavily as her body shook uncontrollably. She never expected Steve to be that good–hell, she thought she'd be the one leading him.

"Wow." She gasped.

The obnoxiously loud noises that had escaped her plump lips were shocking–noises she never knew she could make. The pain and pleasure Steve gave her was too much for the Black Widow to handle.

The woman who was trained to attract her victims sexually, giving them what they want before sending them to a painful death.

Usually she was the one in control, though she enjoyed her experience much better with Steve using her like she was just some toy.

But that was just part of the pleasure.

Now, as he lay beside her throbbing body, he gently stroked the damp red hair from her face, leaving a passionate kiss against her swollen lips.

"Steve." She breathed out, reaching up to stroke his cheek. Her voice was untrustworthy, a static feeling inside her mind causing her thoughts to be jumbled as her climax slowly came to an end.

"I've got you." He whispered, continuing to stroke her hair from her face. His blue eyes never once left hers, proud of his work on the body he had worshiped for too long.

"No, Steve." Natasha glanced over at the clock, reading the time. "We need to get up."

Steve followed her gaze to the clock, realizing he had missed his early four o'clock run with Sam. "Damn."

"Language." Natasha smirked, looking up at him through her lashes.

"You're lucky I'm a gentle man." He said, getting up from beside her and walking into the bathroom.

Natasha lay helplessly in bed, her body still shaking as she eyed Steve's God-given body. "That really is America's ass, isn't it?" She chuckled, biting her lower lip.

He reappeared from the bathroom with a clean towel, chuckling at her comment. He climbed onto the bed, kneeling beside Natasha's body that continued to tremble with pleasure.

He reached between her thighs, beginning to wipe away the stickiness of their combined juices. Her body jolted at the feeling, her sensitive bundle of nerves throbbing from the overstimulation.

"All cleaned up." He smirked, grabbing Natasha's hand and pulling her up out of bed. Immediately upon standing, her legs involuntary wobbled as if it were her first time using them, though she quickly regained her strength.

"I'm getting my revenge tonight, Rogers."


Steve left the bedroom first, quickly making his way downstairs to avoid any suspicion. Once it felt long enough Natasha soon followed, making her way to the kitchen.

"What are you doing up?" Natasha asked you, her brow raised as you sat at the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal in front on you.

You shrugged, refusing to make eye contact as you shovel a large spoonful of Cheerios into your mouth.

"Y/n." Natasha warned, crossing her arms over her chest. "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" You snap.

You weren't particularly angry with your mother, but you were exhausted. Your emotions were out of control as you continued to not get the sleep you needed.

Before Natasha could scold you for your sudden and unexpected outrage, Tony walked in with a smirk across his face; Steve right behind him.

"I heard you and Capsicle where playing hide the zucchini." He blurted, laughing at his own joke.

If looks could kill–well, Tony would have been dead a long time ago. Natasha glanced over at you, hoping you didn't understand what your uncle really meant. But you were already spitting your cereal back into the bowl and still refusing to look your mother in the eyes.

"I really don't need the image." You said, glaring at Tony. "I already had the pleasure of hearing them all night long."

Both Natasha and Steve look horrified while Tony continued to laugh. You just sat there, looking at your half full bowl of cereal.

Bucky poked his head into the kitchen, smiling cheekily. "Are you laughing because of Rogers and Romanoff?"


Bucky's eyes lit up with laughter as he pat Steve's back. "You did good for your first time."

"Oh my God." You groaned, covering your ears.

Natasha's eyes went wide with shock, as she tried to comprehend what Bucky had just said. She couldn't shake the look off her face as everyone else congratulated Steve.

"How're your legs feeling Nat?" Clint asked nonchalantly as he walked into the kitchen to grab a banana.

You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut as unwanted images popped into your mind.

"Okay that's enough!" Natasha yelled. "My kid is in here and I don't need her hearing this shit!"

Steve chuckled. "She heard you last night."

You shot up from your seat, causing everyone to look at you. "I'm moving in with Aunt Yelena." You declared, walking out of the kitchen.

Natasha glared at the team that was gathered in the kitchen. "One more word from any of your mouths and I will torture you for eternity." She threatened with a small smirk.

"And Tony, make the walls thicker."

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