First Mission pt. 1

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Age: 15
Warnings: none
Word count: 945

Natasha trained you ever since you were 12 but she refused to train you as hard as she was trained. She only taught you moves that could be used in self defense against random people on the street. She had one rule.

Never let her one and only daughter go on a mission.

Except she doesn't know that you've been training on your own. Watching the others, then performing those moves on a dummy.

"Fury?" You asked as you opened the door, quietly knocking on the inside of the door. He looked up from his desk and motioned for you to come in. You sat down in a dark brown leather chair, opposite from him.

"How can I help, Miss Romanoff." He said, clearly unimpressed with anything and everything.

"I want a mission." You blurted.

"Your mother-" He started but you quickly interrupted him.

"I know. But I've been training with her and on my own, you've seen me, you know I can do it." You began. "I want to prove to her and everyone else that I'm capable. This is what I want to do."

Fury looked down at his papers, thinking over everything and slowly taking it in. "Alright."

You jumped up in excitement but he quickly stood up in a stance that made you sit down in fear.

"Your mother can never know I sent you on this mission. Don't tell the others either." He started. "I have seen your potential in the training room, do not let me down now."

"I won't, sir." You said, saluting him. He gave you a quick briefing on the mission, telling you it's the least dangerous mission but possibly the most important.

"One more thing." He said, holding up a finger. "I will cover for you but if your mother asks for you, then you are gonna be in some deep shit."

"It's gonna be worth it." You said with a slight smile.


You arrive at an old military bunker, it looked abandoned like it should be according to Fury's debriefing but something felt off. You go inside and try to locate the files you were assigned to locate. As you look through filing cabinets and old computer databases, you start to lose hope. What if you can't find these files? No one will ever trust you to go on another mission. The one chance you had to prove yourself and you failed.

All of a sudden you come across a file that had a hydra logo painted on the file folder. This had to be it. Out of all the other hydra files, this is the only one that was unique. You open the file to see one paper, welcoming you.

Everything went black as someone behind you slammed the handle of a gun into your head, causing you to black out before you hit the ground.

Natasha's POV

Fury had told me that you went to stay at a friends house over night. It hurt me to know that you didn't tell me but he quickly reassured me that it was only because I wasn't around at the time to give you permission.

I've called you many times but you haven't answered. It's been almost 24 hours and I was told you should have been home by now. I've been worried all day, but Fury keeps pushing my worries aside.

"Nat, maybe her phone just died, she probably forgot her charger." He kept coming up with multiple excuses.

"Fury?" I asked in a tone that made him feel uneasy. "Where is my daughter, actually."

"I told you Nat, she slept over her friends house." Fury said, not moving a single muscle in his face. I couldn't read Fury but something told me he wasn't being completely honest with me.

"What friend did she say she was staying with?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. Fury paused, trying to quickly think of his answer.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where the hell is my daughter." My voice was angry and he could tell.

"Nat, listen to me very carefully." He started, getting up from his seat and leaning against his desk. "I sent Y/N on a mission."

"You did what!?" I yelled, anger and worry filled up inside of me.

"She's more ready than you think." He kept calm although I could tell he wanted to yell.

"I don't care how ready she is!" I yelled. "I don't want her putting herself in danger!"

"This mission was the safest one-" he started but I quickly interrupted.

"No mission is safe." I said. "You should know that more than anyone. You put my daughter in danger, going against the one thing I have ever asked of you."

"Nat..." I put my hand up, letting him know I don't want to continue this conversation.

"Tell me where she is." I demanded. He quickly gave me the location of your mission and I immediately made my way to you. I had this feeling in my gut, that something went wrong.

I walked into the bunker, seeing the file you had pulled out laying open on the floor. I picked it up to read it.

Y/n Romanoff, daughter of Natasha Romanoff. Welcome to Hydra, Welcome to the Red Room.

My heart shattered at those words. This was a set up. This was never a Hydra bunker, this was merely just an old military bunker. The Red Room was behind this.

"Fury." I said over the coms. "This was a set up. The Red Room has her."

"Agent Romanoff, keep your position and wait for backup." Fury said.

"Sorry, but that's my kid." I said. "I'm going in."

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now