Toddler's First Mission

5.4K 198 39

Age: 4
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1574

Requested by me :)

"Does everyone understand their positions?" Fury questions, his deep brown irises landing on Natasha.

A walk in the park. Literally.

She understands what she's supposed to do, but why? Her skill set is much more needed elsewhere.

"Who's the decoy?" Tony questioned, reading over the objective of the mission.

Natasha's brows knitted together as she glanced down, rereading the objective. She couldn't possibly be the decoy. One glance at her and the mission would be unsuccessful.

"No." Her olive green eyes shot up, glaring into Fury's soul. "No."

She sensed the guilt radiating off of him since she walked into the conference room. She should have known.

"This is part of the job." He claimed, straitening his posture. Though somehow, he felt so small underneath the woman's glare.

"Not hers." Natasha argued.

The team glanced at each other, a little confused on the very heated conversation between Natasha and their boss.

"It's just a walk in the park, that's it." He explained. "You'd be right there watching her every move."

Natasha shook her head. "Not unless I'm holding her hand."

Steve went wide eyed upon realizing who they were talking about. You. It was crazy talk; you were only four.

"You know that can't happen." He replied.

"Then you know Y/n won't be your decoy." She countered, crossing her arms over her chest.

The room fell silent as Fury began to think of a new solution. He was trapped–there was no other kid available to him.

He needed a kid. And if Natasha knew why–well, let's just say he probably wouldn't be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D anymore.

"Can't we just get an agent as a decoy?" Bruce asked, hesitantly. Having an actual trained agent as a decoy was the usual procedure. If they needed a younger agent, they get one. If they needed an agent to look a certain way or age, they use makeup. So why bring a kid into it?

More specifically, why bring Natasha's kid?

"I need Y/n." Fury muttered through his teeth as guilt bubbles inside him. He can barely look the red haired woman in the eyes–in fact, he's afraid.

Natasha stands up angrily, her chair rolling back and hitting the wall with force. "Why?"

Tony glanced between the two, feeling conflicted. He knows Fury would never bring a child into the mix unless it was absolutely necessary. But on the other hand, a child?

It definitely didn't help knowing that the child decoy was going to be you.

His heart couldn't stand by and allow this to happen–much like your mother was doing. But his brain knew this was something that you needed to do.

"Nat, it's a walk in the park." He tried as calmly as possible. "The same park you two visit every weekend."

The look in Natasha's eyes was a look of betrayal that ripped his heart in half. He's never seen that look, nor does he ever want to again.

"Your seriously siding with him?" Natasha seethed, side eying the director. "She's four!"

"I know, but you're going to be right there." He tried again, hoping she'll understand that you really weren't going to be on your own.

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