Almost Perfect

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Age: 2 months/6 years
Warnings: none?
Word Count: 2270

Age: 2 months/6 yearsWarnings: none?Word Count: 2270

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Natasha sat up in bed with you in her arms. She adored you more than anything and always cherished the small moments with you. She watched you with admiration while you suckled her milk from her breast with content.

"You tired?" Steve questioned your mother as he began changing into his sleep clothes. Natasha gave him a weak smile as she glanced back down at you. Your green eyes began to close gently as you continued feeding.

Steve climbed into bed beside her, looking down at you while you were unconsciously feeding from your mothers breast. "She's just enjoying your warmth at this point." Steve joked, placing a soft and loving kiss on Natasha's forehead.

She leaned into him, smiling as she gently rested her head against his shoulder. "I never thought I could be this happy."

"Me neither." He replied, admiring your mother as she stroked your soft chubby cheeks.

"This life we built," She gave him a genuine smile, her eyes gleaming with joy. "Is perfect. A dream I never thought would come true."

Natasha loved being a mother. It was a job that fulfilled her heart more than she ever thought was possible. Her own child, that shared half her genes, came from her own body. She created the small heart that beat rhythmically and she couldn't understand how. Especially after what the Red Room had done to her.

But she would never complain. She had her dream life. A loving husband and a daughter that would grow up safe in her parents arms, loved indefinitely and never alone.

After a while longer of you drinking your mother's milk, you had finally latched off. Natasha let out a sigh, pulling her shirt back up before getting out of bed with you in her arms.

She stood by the bed, bouncing you and patting your back in an attempt to burp you. It took you a few minutes before letting out a small burp, causing you to giggle at the sound.

Natasha gently put you in your crib that was beside your parents bed, your big green eyes staring up at her.

She leaned down, kissing your forehead. "I love you so much, мое маленькое чудо." (My little miracle)

You blew raspberries with your mouth, causing Natasha to chuckle at your cuteness before she climbed back into bed beside Steve.

He lay on his back, not taking his eyes off of hers as she snuggled up into him. His arm rests around her back while her arm lay across his stomach.

Steve reached over to turn the lamp off before kissing Natasha's head. He took in the sent of her hair, smiling to himself. She was the best thing that happened to him.


Just as any other spy was trained, a blonde haired woman snuck through the small, dark apartment. Her hazel eyes scanned the room before silently opening the bedroom door.

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