How else will kids learn

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Age: 5
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1588

You sat on the bathroom counter, feet in the sink as Natasha braided your long auburn hair

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You sat on the bathroom counter, feet in the sink as Natasha braided your long auburn hair. You watched her through the mirror, trying to match her concentrating expression.

You furrowed your brows, biting the inside of your cheek–just like Natasha was doing.

"You copying me?" She smiled, glancing up to see you through the mirror.

You broke out in a cheeky grin, giggling as Natasha tied off the end of your braid. "All done." She smiled, helping you down from the counter.

You climbed on top of the toilet, leaning over the edge of the counter. You propped your head up with your hands, watching as your mother applies some mascara to her dark red lashes.


"Yes, моя любовь?" She turned away from the mirror, giving you her full attention.

You pointed to the object in her hand. "What's that?"

"It's mascara." She replied, turning back to the mirror. "It kind of enhances the eyes." She turned back to you. "See?"

"Can I have some?" You ask, trying to grab at the mascara in your mother's hands.

She nodded, "I'll do it for you."

Natasha placed you on top of the counter once again, your feet dangling off the edge. You smiled up at her, your eyes wide open.

"I need you to keep very still, okay?" Natasha said, her thumb holding up the skin under your brow.

"Okay mommy!"

Natasha smiled, carefully applying the mascara to your small lashes. You blinked continuously–not used to something so close to your eye.

Steve slipped into the bathroom, leaning against the door frame unnoticed. With his arms crossed over his chest, he watched the two of you with eyes full of love for his family.

He smiled, "You two ready yet?"

Natasha nodded–very concentrated on your lashes while you gave your father a toothy grin.

"Daddy, guess what?" You questioned, bouncing excitedly.

"Hold still, sweetheart." Natasha reminded. Steve's smile grew larger–his two best girls right in front of him.

"What's up, squirt?" He questioned, making his way over to you. He twirled the single braid you wore in his hand, admiring the perfect scene between mother and daughter.

"Mommy is doing my makeup!" You shrieked excitedly.

"I can see that." He muttered, placing a small kiss on your temple before giving his wife a gentle glare.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now