Oh Brother

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Age: 6
Warnings: family
Word Count: 2084

Natasha and Steve believed it would be impossible to conceive their own kid. It fact, it wasn't something they were trying to do–they just knew it just couldn't be done.

That was until two pink lines showed up on that stick six years ago. The couple was beyond happy–the thrill of having their own child running around the place was ecstatic.

The miracle was a Godsend–that's what Steve believed, at least. Natasha however was questioning reality, and her questioning only continued when she found out they'd be having twins.

"James, give it back!" You screeched, grabbing your doll's arm and pulling.

"Let me play with it!" James yelled back, ripping it right out of your grip.

Natasha was in the kitchen making dinner when she heard the familiar sound of bickering. It was constant and it was almost always over the tiniest of problems. Though, she assumed it's a pretty big deal to the two six year olds.

She silently hoped Steve would come in and save the day, but she was sure he was out for an afternoon run due to some twin trouble this morning.

"HEY!" Natasha yelled over the bickering. You jumped at the sound of your mother's booming voice, your green eyes growing wide. James' reaction was similar, though he had his usual guilty look plastered across his face. "What's going on?"

"He took my doll and won't give it back!" You immediately whined, pointing at your brother.

James shook his head, his strawberry blonde curls bouncing as he did so. "She knocked over my Lego tower first!"

"By accident!"


You stuck your tongue out, giving him a cruel look before your mother could stop you.

"Alright, enough!" Natasha yelled, pulling you up off the floor by your elbow. She turned toward James, only to see him copying the exact face you had made. "Both of you!"

You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted as Natasha looked between you and your brother, who stood confidently–much like Steve. "James, give your sister her doll back."

James pouted, "But she-"

"Give the doll back, now." Natasha instructed sternly.

James walked over to the doll that had been thrown on the floor and picked it up. He smirked at an idea, though he wasn't sure if he should risk it in front of his mother.

"Nicely." Natasha warned, as if she could read her son's mind. James rolled his eyes as he held out the doll for you to take.

Natasha let out a relieved sigh. One problem fixed, now onto the other. She turned toward you with a raised brow. "Y/n, did you knock over your brothers tower?"

You looked up at your mother, who subconsciously moved your auburn hair out of your eyes. "It was an accident, mama."

"No it wasn't!" James yelled. "Mommy she's lying!"

Natasha raised a brow at you again. "Y/n, tell me the truth."

"I am, mommy." You promised. "I just wanted to get another toy and I accidentally hit my elbow."

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