It Was Real To Me

6.5K 163 15

Age: 8
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1787

A/n: I hope it's okay that I made Y/n younger as I think it fits the story better

Natasha never wanted to be a part it, not with two children whose innocence were at stake

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Natasha never wanted to be a part it, not with two children whose innocence were at stake. She had begged Fury to allow just her and Steve out on the mission, however the kids were a crucial aspect to the undercover assignment.

That's how you and your sister Beth showed up at S.H.I.E.L.D. with no one but each other. Your sister was only four years older than you but mentally she was much older, taking the role of a mother.

She held your hand protectively, keeping you close to her hip as you shy away from the intimidating agents that passed by.

Beth gave your hand a small squeeze as she inches toward an office door, knocking with her free hand and waiting patiently for an answer.

The door opened to reveal a man with dark skin and a black eyepatch, reminding you of a pirate. You held back the urge to giggle, remembering what Beth had told you multiple times.

Don't be rude.

And you were sure that giggling at the man's eyepatch was indeed rude.

You scanned your surroundings, seeing a blonde haired man with a sweet and welcoming smile. He gave the two of you a little wave before getting up from the chair to allow an extra seat for you.

As you tore your hand away from your sister's to sit in the empty chair, your eyes met with a pair of green ones. They weren't welcoming nor sweet. The eyes displayed absolutely nothing–and that scared you.

The woman herself had red hair and stood in an intimidating stance–just like the agents in the hall. You looked down, playing with your hands that lay in your lap as you could feel the woman's gaze burning through your soul.

"Y/n Y/l/n and Bethany Willis." Nick Fury pointed to the two other adults in the room. "Meet your partner's Agent Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers."


Natasha felt an urge to protect you and Beth since the moment she found out that the mission was including children. But the second she laid eyes on you, she couldn't help but be reminded of herself.

You were so young and so innocent, clinging to your only source of protection–Beth.

As for Beth, she was so focused on you that she never even cared for herself. Her childhood was nearing an end and not once had she enjoyed a day of laughter.

You found yourself slowly trusting Steve, though it took longer than either adult expected. He was someone that was trusted by many and he protected that trust like his life depended on it.

Natasha however, was trying her hardest to be a mother figure to you and your sister. She wanted Beth to enjoy this year long mission–to experience teenage life and she wanted you to take advantage of this mission to be a child.

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now