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Age: 17
Warnings: yelling, swearing
Word Count: 1201

You and your friends had been sitting outside the tattoo shop for hours, waiting for the perfect time to go in

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You and your friends had been sitting outside the tattoo shop for hours, waiting for the perfect time to go in. You were nervous, beyond nervous.

Your mother hated tattoos. Well more accurately, she hated the idea of you having tattoos. And here you were, going against Natasha's wishes.

Each one of you had a fake identification card that was more convincing than a real card but the problem was the shop itself. The tattoo shop was the only one near by that wouldn't leave them with infected tattoos. However, it was also the only tattoo shop that could spot out a fake a mile away.

"Alright, I think one of us should just go in and see if they'll give us a tat." Julia suggested, looking up at the building.

"No, it has to be all of us." You replied. "If one of us goes down then all of us do."

Your friend Chase chuckled, "The Avengers really drilled that into you, didn't they?"

You blushed, shrugging. "More like America's riotous man."

He bumped your shoulder, smirking flirtatiously before standing up. "Let's all go, it's either now or never and Y/n has a curfew."

You giggled as you and the rest of your friends stood to your feet and went in. The atmosphere was almost mysterious, with the dim lighting and intimidating tattoo artists.

"Hi, um..." You stuttered. "Do you do walk ins?"


You were stupid. What were you thinking? Getting a tattoo behind your mother's back and now, you're expected to join your family for beach day.

Natasha was in your room, searching through your drawers for the multiple bathing suits you own. You had one for every 'kind' of beach day and as much as Natasha hated the 'attracting the men' bathing suit, she had to admit, it worked.

"Where is your blue one piece?" She asked, turning toward you as you put your hair into a messy bun.

You raised a brow, "My swim competition suit?" You giggled. "Mom, seriously?"

She held up one of your thong swim suits with an unreadable face. "When did you even get this?"

You grabbed it from her grasp and set it on your bed. "Y/n, I swear to God, you are not wearing whatever this is."

"Mommm." You whined. "I can't wear a one piece to the beach."

Natasha sighed, clearly knowing she'd loose this argument. "Fine, but you are not wearing any thong bathing suits. This is a family beach trip, not a 'picking up a guy' beach trip."

You chuckled sheepishly, "Your just jealous I can get a guy and you can't."

Natasha rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore her seventeen year old. "Here." She pulled out a normal bathing suit and threw it toward you. "Put this on."

You stared at your mother. "Privacy?"

Natasha gave you an odd look. "You literally came out of me."

"Yes, seventeen years ago." You sassed.

"Fine, fine." She said, walking out of your bedroom. "Let me know when your done."

You quickly changed into a cute white two piece. It was one of your favorites, however the only problem was your tattoo showed. You had decided to get a tattoo between your two shoulder blades. It wasn't big, but it was definitely noticeable.

Before you called your mother back in, you took your long hair out of the messy bun and let it hang free. Your hair did a fantastic job at hiding the tattoo, however that'd be a different story once your hair is wet.

"Mom, you can come back in." You called as she opened the door with a smile.

"Sit down, I need help." She told you, holding up two bathing suits.

One was a black two piece while the other was a black one piece. You rolled your eyes. "Seriously? The two piece obviously and maybe add some color to your wardrobe."

Natasha held up the one piece, "Good choice." She said as she discarded the two piece off to the side.

You rolled your eyes. "Come on mom." You whined as you picked up her two piece bathing suit off the floor. "Don't you want Steve to see your body?" You wiggled your brows as Natasha just stared blankly at you.

"You are definitely my child." She announced while changing into her one piece bathing suit. "But I'm not twenty anymore. I'm thirty-five and had a kid. No man wants to see that."

You rolled your eyes. "Steve does." You mumbled.

After Natasha had quickly changed into her one piece she walked over to where you were sitting and started gathering your hair.

Before you could stop her, she gasped. The black ink very visible to your mothers eye.

"Y/n!" She shrieked. "You got a tattoo?"

You shut your eyes tightly, definitely not ready for this argument.

"How did you even-you know what, never mind." She sighed. "I have a feeling I'm not going to like the answer."


"No, y/n." She stopped you. "I told you I didn't want you getting a tattoo."


"If you wanted one so bad, all you had to do was wait five months until you are of age!" She told you, raising her voice.

"I know, but I really wanted one now." You said, lifting up your hair and turning your back to her. "Just look at it and tell me you still hate it."

Natasha took a real look at the black ink on your back. She had to be honest, it was actually pretty well done. She ran her fingers over the ink, smiling as she read it.

"My birthday?" She asked tearfully. If anything, she expected you to get some meaningless tattoo that'd you regret in the near future. But this? This was special.

"Yeah mama." You smiled. "You deserve it more than anyone."

Natasha wasted no time in pulling you into a bear hug. She was sniffling, trying her hardest to stop herself from crying.

She gripped your shoulders tightly, slightly pushing you back. Her harsh green eyes met yours and in seconds her grateful tears were gone.

"You could have done anything to make me blubber like this, so why do something permanent?" She questioned.

You shrugged, looking a bit guilty. "I can't be me without a little rebellion."

She smiled again, agreeing with you before bringing you back into a hug. Her fingers continuously traced the ink on your back, still in awe.

"I love you, sweet girl."

"I love you too mom." You smiled. "But for the love of God, please change into your two piece. Steve will have a field day!"

Natasha stepped back and spun for you. "What? This doesn't show off my curves?" She joked.

You snorted. "Mom!" You threw the two piece at her. "Just put this on and I promise Steve and Bucky will be at your side in seconds."

Natasha went red in the cheeks. "I shouldn't be listening to you."

"But you know I'm right." You smiled. "So you have to!"

"Yes, детка." Natasha chuckled. "Go get our beach bags, I'll be down in thirty seconds!"

You giggled. "Hurry up!"

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