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Age: 15
Warnings: none
Word count: 675

Age: 15Warnings: noneWord count: 675

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Y/n's POV:
"I can't hide it anymore." Liz's voice echoes throughout the gym. She was sitting on the bleachers with her friends while everyone else was doing the sit ups.

I turned my head toward her as she made it clear that she wanted everyone to hear what she was saying.

"Black widow is my mother." Liz said. Everyone gasped and suddenly stopped what they were doing to talk to Liz.

I looked over at Peter who was looking at me in a Just leave it be way. But I couldn't do that.

"Black widow is your mother?" I asked loudly, getting up from the gym floor. Everyone turned to look at me.

"Yeah, she sent me to live with my grandparents but recently wanted to get back in touch."

"Oh?" I said sarcastically. "My mother wouldn't trust my grandparents for a second with me."

"We aren't talking about your mother, Y/n." Liz snapped.

"Oh but we most certainly are." I said smiling the famous Natasha Romanoff smirk.

"Y/n, don't do this." Peter warned but I walked past him, not listening to him.

Liz got up and pushed past the group of people that huddled around her. She stood in front of me, being at least a foot taller than me she looked down.

"Pathetic." Liz laughed. I smirked again, clearly getting on her nerves.

Everyone watched the two of us, going at it for the entire class.

"Stop lying, Y/n!" Liz yelled, pushing me back. I lost my balance but quickly regained it trying to look strong just like my mom.

"Your the one lying." I said, smirking as I noticed the time. The bell was gonna ring any second. Gym class was my last class of the day and I knew my mom was outside waiting for me like she is every day at 2:10pm.

Nat's POV:
I heard the bell ring and soon after I saw my beautiful daughter walking toward the car. Another girl quickly kept up behind her. I decided to get out to greet her, meeting her halfway.

"If your not lying then prove it to me right now." Y/n said turning around to look at the other girl just as I opened the car door to get out.

"What's to prove?" The girl said. "My mother is too busy saving the world to pick me up." A whole group of kids surrounded my daughter and the other girl as they kept talking, snickering back and forth.

I walked up to Y/n, people beginning to stare.

"Hey baby." I said as she turned around. Her beautiful big green eyes meeting mine.

"Mom!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I smiled as I watched the other girl's mouth drop open, literally catching flys.

"You're the black widow!?" Someone asked.

"Are you really Y/n's mother!?" Someone else asked.

The questions answered themselves as I continued to hug my daughter. It's been a few days since I last saw her since I was away on a mission. But I promised her I'd be home to pick her up from school today, and I wasn't planning on breaking that promise.

"You ready to go home, baby?" I asked as I took her back back off her back and held it for her.

"Yup and now I can have a proper meal!" Y/n laughed. "Tony has been making dinner while you and Wanda were away."

"Oh God, I'm surprised you didn't get food poisoning." I laughed as we started walking back to the car.

Just as we were getting into the car, I noticed everybody staring, with their mouths wide open.

"Hey Liz, what were you saying about your mom?" Y/n asked, giving her an evil laugh.

I glared at my daughter, wondering what the hell she was talking about.

"Oh, she claimed you're her mother." Y/n clarified after we starting driving home. I let out a little laugh, my daughter doing the same.

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