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Age: 17
Warnings: Drugs, swearing, drinking, etc
Word count: 1409

While Y/n was at school and the other Avengers were on a mission, Natasha was left to babysit Morgan. Ever since the former spy had her daughter, she never wanted to spend the rest of her days without a child. But Y/n was growing up too fast and she was unable to conceive again.

That was until Tony and Pepper had Morgan five years ago. Natasha couldn't get enough of the little brown haired girl that had more energy than Tony could handle.

She ended up watching over Morgan a couple months after she was born as Tony had a mission and Pepper had a business meeting. It took Natasha by surprise, she refused to leave Y/n until years after she was born. She couldn't handle the heartbreak after seeing those big green eyes fill with tears every time she tried to leave her daughter.

It still pained her to leave Y/n now, not that the now seventeen year old would care. She's barely home anymore, never wants to have mother/daughter days, and very rarely acknowledges Natasha anymore.

Natasha feared it was something she had done wrong, especially since Y/n gets along so well with Morgan. They were practically sisters and when Y/n is home, she'd only spend time with Morgan.

She didn't want to push her though, fearing it might push her away further instead of fixing their relationship.

"Auntie Nat, watch out!" Morgan screeched as a toy car ran over the Barbie she was in charge of. Natasha was pulled from her thoughts, blinking away her unshed tears that were threatening to fall.

"Oh no!" She played along, moving the Barbie as if she was badly injured. "We gotta get to the hospital!"

Morgan shook her head, giggling as she dug through a bin of toys. Natasha just sat there waiting for whatever scenario Morgan was going to come up with.

She knew all to well that children have the weirdest scenarios when it came to playing with their toys. When her daughter was Morgan's age, it was always disturbing but truly imaginative. She sometimes worried she was doing something wrong, or maybe Tony got into Y/n's head. But it really just was her overactive imagination.

"I can't find it!" Morgan said suddenly, once again pulling Natasha out of her thoughts. "I think I left it in Y/n's room."

Y/n absolutely hated anyone going into her room without her permission. Natasha never walked in without permission in fear that it would ruin their relationship even more. The rest of the team were just too scared to even walk past her room. Frankly, Natasha was starting to feel the same way. They all walked on eggshells around the teenager. Everyone but Morgan, of course.

"Alright, but don't go digging for it." Natasha replied with a sigh. "If you can't find it, we'll play with something else."

Morgan nodded before running upstairs to her cousin's bedroom. It was large but very messy. Clothes were scattered across the floor, her bed was unmade, trash everywhere. It honestly looked as messy as a teenage boy's room. It smelled funny to the 5 year old too.

Morgan searched underneath her cousin's bed, nothing. She looked under the mountain of clothes that were piled in the corner of her room, nothing. She didn't want to play with another toy, she wanted to play with this specific toy. It would be perfect.

Morgan took a step further and decided to look through the teenager's drawers. They were only filled with clothes, as expected, but the 5 year old half expected her cousin to be messing with her. She searched underneath the unfolded clothes in each drawer until she came across a paper bag.

"Morgan, hurry up!" Natasha called, a little worried as it was getting close to the time her daughter should be home; if she decided to come home.

Morgan sprinted down the stairs, handing the red haired woman a paper bag. Just the smell from inside the bag made Natasha's heart stop.

"Where did you get this?" She questioned, her brow raised and a worried look was faintly visible across her features.

"It was in Y/n's room." She shrugged as if it was no big deal. For a five year old, it meant nothing. But for Natasha, she was furious.

"Go clean up your toys, we'll play later. Okay?" Natasha said as calmly as possible.

As Morgan slowly put away her toys, Natasha could hear the elevator doors opening. She knew it had to be Y/n as the other were on a mission that would last longer than a few hours.

"Hey mom." Y/n said as she walked into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

Natasha immediately stormed over to the fridge and slammed it shut, almost closing it on her daughters fingers.

"What the hell!?" Y/n yelled, anger rising quickly.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you?" Natasha yelled, her voice holding more venom than ever.

"What did I do now?" Y/n asked. She always seemed to be disappointing her mother.

Natasha raised a brow before holding up the paper bag that Morgan had found in her room. Y/n's eyes widened and her breath hitched.

"What's that?" She questioned.

"Don't play dumb, Y/n." Natasha warned.

"I'm not!" She lied. "I've never seen that before!" She was probably the best liar, but the only person who always knew she was lying was Natasha. Call it a motherly instinct or just a very well trained spy/assassin, but no one else was able to tell she was lying other than Natasha.

The red haired woman emptied the contents of the bag onto the kitchen counter, revealing a bag full of weed, six nips and a smoking bowl. "Then explain to me how this bag full of drugs got into your room!"

"FUCK YOU!" Y/n screamed, pushing the contents of the bag off the counter. Her brows were furrowed and her face became red with anger. "DON'T GO THROUGH MY STUFF!"

Natasha put her hands on her hips, giving her daughter a look of anger and disappointment. "Where do you get the drugs?"

It scared Y/n when Natasha talked so calmly but was very clearly furious.

"That's none of your business." Y/n said just as calmly as her mother before folding her arms and raising a brow. She was definitely her mother's daughter.

"WHO THE FUCK SOLD YOU THE DRUGS!?" Natasha couldn't keep her cool anymore. She never would have expected her daughter to do this, she had everything she's ever wanted thanks to Tony.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME HAVE MY PRIVACY!" Y/n screamed, pushing Natasha into the wall behind her. She went too far. Natasha didn't expect it and neither did Y/n, but it went too far.

"You think you deserve privacy?" Natasha smirked evilly. "After what you've been doing?"

Without a single thought, Y/n's hand formed into a fist and made contact with her mother's jaw. The woman took it like a champ, though completely surprised as her daughter has never hit her before.

It looked as though Y/n was in a trance as her fist raised again. This time, Natasha wrapped her hand around her daughter's wrist before Y/n could make contact again.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Y/n cried as she slumped to the floor. She wasn't herself, she hated herself.

Natasha was quick to join her daughter on the ground, pulling her tightly into her chest as the teenager cried.

"Y/n?" Natasha lifted her daughter's head by the chin with only her pointer finger. "Who sold you the drugs?"

The teenager took in a sharp deep breath. "Just some guy trying to make some money."

Natasha held her daughter, giving her soft kisses on the top of her head. "Why?" It was such a simple question but there was so much to it.

Y/n looked up at her mother with a guilty look in her eyes. "I just wanted to fit in and then I just couldn't stop. I'm so sorry mama."

Hey guys! It's been a while!

My golden birthday was on Saturday yayyy

Anyway I might do a part 2 for this one but let me know what y'all think. I hope you guys liked this one!

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