Christmas Struggles & Snuggles

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Age: 7
Warnings: none
Word Count: 944

Natasha was never one for the holiday season. The lights, the decorations, the magic–it was a nightmare.

But spending the holidays with the Barton's had her singing and dancing along to Christmas songs. She'd deny it–even with the proof.

When she had you, that's when Christmas became the most important holiday. She'd spend hours decorating every inch of the small apartment the two of you shared. She'd bake hundreds of cookies just for you–and Santa of course.

The holidays made her soft–not just toward you, but toward everyone that she knows.

It wasn't just her most important holiday, it had became her favorite.

"Mama! Look!" You squealed, running into the Barton farm kitchen with both Lila and Cooper on your tail.

The Barton children were screaming and crying, chasing after you with terrified looks while you ran with a toothy smile.

Natasha was confused, glancing at Clint and Laura who were looking just as bewildered. It wasn't until you jumped onto the coach beside your mother, with no other than the Elf on the Shelf in your clammy hands.

"Jingles is dead!" Lila screamed. "Jingles is dead!"

Cooper continued to sob along with Lila. The two Barton children were freaking out, terror evident in their eyes and high pitched screaming filling the room.

Natasha was at a complete loss of what to do, especially since she never had an elf visitor which meant you had no clue about the rules of the Elf on the Shelf.

With all the commotion from the two kids and the utter disbelief from the adults, you immediately burst into tears. Natasha immediately took action, coddling you until your tears had slowed so she could at least get the elf out of your hands without touching Jingles herself.

The last thing she wanted was to make all three kids even more upset over the fact that Jingles can no longer report to Santa.

"Let's put Jingles down." Natasha told you calmly, pointing to the coffee table in front of you.

You sniffled, doing as told before climbing onto your mother's lap.

Seeing Jingles lying on the table, the Barton kids finally calmed down, though they both looked as though their family pet had just died before their eyes.

"Jingles is not dead." Clint spoke, walking over to his kids. "He'll be just fine as long as no one touches him. He just needs his rest."

"I didn't mean to." You cried to your uncle Clint. "I just wanted to show my mommy so we can get one too."

Natasha struggled to hold back her grin as she gently ran her fingers through your hair. "Don't you worry, моя любовь. When Jingles gets back to the North Pole, I'm sure he'll send another elf to watch over you for next Christmas."

Laura sat down next to you, beckoning her kids over as well. "Jingles, as well as all elves, are very special." Laura started, wrapping her arm around her kids and patting your knee with her free hand. "They are the most magical creatures alive, however, they can loose their magic by a human's touch."

Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed hot pink.

"In special cases, they can regain their magic with time–as long as the child's touch was pure of heart–which I believe is the case." Laura smiled at her niece.

Natasha listened carefully, grateful for an on the spot explanation that she would have never been able to come up with.

"Mommy, will Jingles be able to fly to Santa tonight?" Cooper asked.

Laura nodded. "Either he will regain his magic in time to fly himself or Santa will take him back home when he drops off your gifts tonight."

You, Cooper and Lila all squealed with excitement. "When will Santa get here!?" You questioned eagerly.

Natasha tickled you while you squirmed and squealed with laughter. "As soon as you get to bed, little monster."

You jumped up, the Barton kids following you and the three of you ran upstairs.

"Brush your teeth!" Natasha yelled after you.

Laura glanced at Natasha, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'll be surprised if the kids actually listened to you."

Natasha chuckled. "Your kids are too scared not to listen to me, my kid on the other hand likes to press my buttons."

You peaked your head out from behind the wall, smiling at your mother. "Mama, can we cuddle please?"

Natasha beckoned you over with a small smile. "Did you brush your teeth?"

You nodded, pushing a breath of air out to prove it.

"Good job, baby." Natasha praised you while getting up from her seat on the coach.


You and Natasha snuggled every night, but there was something special about the snuggles you got on Christmas Eve.

They were warm and cozy as excitement bubbles inside. They kept you calm and lulled you to sleep while all you could think about was the mound of presents that would appear under the tree. The smell of fresh pine, the warmth of the wood burning fire and the very faint sound of Santa's sleigh bells on Christmas morning. God, you couldn't wait.

Natasha held you close, one hand resting on your shoulder, while the other was trapped underneath your neck. Her lips rested on your forehead, humming softly as she too imagined the excitement of tomorrow.

Watching you rip open your gifts one by one, seeing the joy in your eyes and witnessing the magic of the holiday. It gave her goosebumps just thinking about it. Just as much as you wanted Christmas morning to arrive, so did Natasha.

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