The Day You Were Born

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Age: 0
Warnings: none
Word count: 357

Natasha's eyes blurred with tears as you were placed into her arms. You had big green eyes just like your mama and you had little brown hairs that swirled on top of your head. She leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"I'll always love you, малышка."(baby girl) She whispered as her lips softly met your forehead again. The sight of you melted Natasha's heart as she caressed your little face with her pointer finger. Slowly gliding her finger from your nose down past your lips to your belly. As her hand reached your belly, your little fist raised up and weakly grabbed your mama's finger. Natasha's heart fluttered as she promised herself to never forget this moment.

Natasha cherished every moment with you

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Natasha cherished every moment with you. Every cooing sound you made filled her heart with love, every smile gave her fullness. You would cry for her as she sang to you and you would immediately fall asleep in her arms.

The Avengers were there supporting your mama every single day of her pregnancy. The day you were born you were Natasha's little baby girl, a mini Romanoff. The Avengers admired you and couldn't be happier. They loved seeing Natasha love someone so much as she grew up learning that love was for children. But she quickly learned otherwise after meeting you.

That day, the team brought balloons and little gifts for your mama, congratulating her on creating such a beautiful baby. They each got to hold you and experience the love for you in those moments. Natasha was crying with joy, watching the team take turns holding you, knowing you'll be loved your whole life.

Natasha wanted to protect you at all costs, never allowing you to go through the things she went through. She vowed to never let you down. Natasha always wants to see you happy and healthy, always smiling and laughing.

Natasha had a hard time coming up with a name for you. She remembered something she learned in the Red Room. Great Happiness. You where her great happiness, Y/N Romanoff. You will always be her great Happiness.

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