Leukemia pt. 2

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Age: 3
Warnings: Chemo, needles, I'm sorry
Word Count: 1813

The medical room in the compound looked exactly like a hospital. The sterilized smell and cold air made Natasha feel uneasy and slightly nervous.

She never had a problem with hospitals–or the compound's medical room–but now that you have been deemed sick, she couldn't stand it.

She couldn't stand seeing a nasogastric tube threaded through your nose down to your stomach. She hated knowing that the tube was your only source of nutrients; her breasts no longer an option.

She hated seeing your pale and sickened face. You no longer had your cute chubby cheeks and your bones protruded immensely. Your energy had quickly diminished and Natasha rarely hears your giggles anymore. It breaks her heart to see you like this, but the only way she can help is to stay strong.

Natasha sat on the edge of the hospital bed, holding your hand as Bruce sorted through the instruments he needed for your next round of treatment. You watched as he inserted a needle into your vein, connecting a long tube and allowing the chemo to flow into your body.

"I'll be back in about an hour." Bruce told her as he washed his hands in the sink. Natasha merely nodded, refusing to take her eyes off of you.

You reached out for your mother's hoodie, playing with the strings as you eyed her. Natasha smiled, gently brushing a piece of stray hair behind your ear.

You huffed, annoyed that your mother didn't know what you were silently asking for. You leaned forward, tugging Natasha's hoodie.

"Use your voice, детка." (Baby) Natasha gently said, stroking your arm as you gave her a small pout.

"Movie." You croak out, tugging at Natasha's hoodie once again.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Natasha questioned, removing her phone from her pocket and leaning it against a vase of flowers that your Aunt Wanda had gotten you.

You smiled, clapping your hands together. "Beauty and the Beast!"

Natasha giggled at your cuteness as she opened up the Disney Plus application and played the movie you had requested. Your eyes widened with interest as the movie played while Natasha hummed quietly along with the songs.

She stroked your head, running her fingers through your hair. But when she pulled her hand away, your hair came along with her. She wanted to burst into tears right there as she looked at the clump of red hair tangled around her fingers.

"боже мой." (My God) Natasha mumbled. She was at a lost for words, unable to even comprehend what was in her hand. No one prepared her for this pain. It was a different kind of pain knowing you weren't going to have your beautiful red hair for very much longer.

"Don't cry mama." You whispered, leaning your head against her chest. Natasha didn't even realize the tears that streamed down her cheeks. Slightly embarrassed, she quickly wiped them away.

She pulled you closer–if that was even possible. It broke her heart to see you this way, to know there was nothing she could do to help you.

The moment she found out she was pregnant with you, all she wanted was for you to have the childhood she never had. But now she wasn't even sure if you were going to survive past your third year of life.

"Mama, why are you crying?" You asked in a whisper, your voice rough from the tube down your throat.

Natasha bit the inside of her cheek, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall. She wanted to stay strong for you, the last thing she wanted was to scare you.

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