Vacay in Massachusetts

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Age: 16
Warnings: none
Word count: 1449

Y/n's POV: My friend and I left New York City in the middle of the night and began our four hour trip to a whole other state

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Y/n's POV:
My friend and I left New York City in the middle of the night and began our four hour trip to a whole other state. Massachusetts. My mom, the famous Natasha Romanoff has no idea of this little trip we planned. I knew if I asked, the answer would 110% be no. So instead I just left.

I was excited though, to leave the state and do something fun on my own without my over protective mother standing beside me being her over protective self. I felt like an adult. And what made it 10x better was that we didn't need anyone driving us, we have our licenses now.

We are free.

"Where should we go first?" Megan, my best friend asked as we drove past the "Massachusetts welcomes you" sign.

"I think we should go to the Cape, I heard that everyone goes there during the summer." I replied, scrolling through a website that had all of the places tourists like to go to.

"The Cape?" Megan asked, confused as she couldn't find it in the gps.

"Well, it's called Cape Cod but everybody out here calls it 'The Cape'." I giggle as Megan glares at me before returning her eyes back to the road.

"You're such a nerd." She says which made me scrunch my face in embarrassment.

The two of us continue to drive down the highway, listening to today's hits on the radio. We're both goofing around, dancing and singing to Taylor Swift when we hit traffic at 7am on a Friday.

"Wow, they weren't kidding." Megan says as we slowly inch foreword. "Everybody loves the cape during the summer."

I smirk as we continue to inch forward. We were sitting in traffic for hours, or at least it felt like hours it was really only 20 minutes. But I guess the people who decided to drive on cape around 8 or 9am will be in traffic for hours.

"You see that bridge ahead?" I asked Megan.


"That's called the Bourne Bridge. This whole Canal is man made. And look over there-"

I was interrupted by my phone ringing and when I looked at who it was, I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest.

Nat's POV:
I woke up around 7:30 and immediately went to go wake my daughter up. I had a whole day planned for us as it was her summer vacation and I was promised a few days off from missions.

I wanted to take y/n shopping for some new clothes that she desperately needed. She keeps stealing my clothes, which I don't think will ever stop but I try. I was going to take her to her favorite restaurant for a nice lunch and I even had tickets for a concert I was gonna surprise her with at lunch.

It was gonna be a mother/daughter day that was desperately needed since we haven't had much time together recently. Especially with the recent major world ending threat that was going on.

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