
6.8K 173 39

Age: 16
Warning: So sorry :(
Word count: 1074

Without your mother knowing, you stood outside the meeting room where the Avengers were being debriefed on the newest mission. It was in your best interest to not be a part of the meeting, or the mission, but you couldn't resist.

Natasha never let you join them on missions. Never. You hated staying behind. Ever since you were little Natasha trained you as if she expected something bad to happen. And now that something major is happening, it's still a plain flat no.

"Please?" You beg, following behind your mother as soon as she left the meeting room. "You know I'm more than capable of helping!"

"No, Y/n." She replies sternly without stoping to look at you. "That is absolutely absurd, you're sixteen."


The red haired woman spun around, brows furrowed, "I said no."

You crossed your arms over your chest, eyeing your mother with a look of annoyance. "I can't believe you!"

Natasha was stumped, never has she ever heard you talk back with such force. Why did you want to go on this mission so badly? If anything, this was probably the most dangerous one they've had. She would literally die before letting you join this mission.

"Nat, we need to go." Tony said popping his head through the doorway. "You too little Widow."

Natasha's mouth fell open with a look of anger and surprise. You smiled happily, hugging your uncle Tony before running off to change into your training outfit, as it was the only uniform you had.

"She's not going." Natasha finally said, pulling Tony forcefully by his arm and closing the door behind them. "You have no right to make that decision."

"We need her help."

"She's sixteen!" Natasha shouted. "The most she'll do is get in our way!"

She knew that was the last thing you would do, but she couldn't risk your life. Especially when your life was the only thing keeping her going.

Besides, what kind of mother would she be if she allowed you to go on a mission that involved so much violence?

"I understand you want her safe, but without her help we won't have a universe for her to grow up in."

Tony was, for once in his life, sounding responsible. Besides putting his niece in a dangerous situation, he was being completely real, no joking or sarcasm whatsoever.

Natasha knew he was right, Natasha knew you could hold your own. She didn't want to risk your life but she was acting selfishly. Without you, they would have less of a chance to save the universe. Which would mean there would be no place for you to grow up in.

"Alright." Natasha sighed. "But if anything goes south, I'm taking her home and you'll be down two men."

It was a risk Tony was willing to take. They needed you. This mission wasn't just New York they were saving, no it was the entire universe.


You quickly dodged an oncoming attack, sliding underneath the creature, known as Outriders. They were absolutely terrifying, but you couldn't let that get to you as you raise your wrist and zap one with your widow's bite.

"You okay?" Natasha questioned quickly as soon as she spotted you.

"Yeah, fine." You reply, out of breath.

Your mother handed you her spare pistol, giving you an encouraging nod. "Be careful, I love you детка."

She gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head, ruffling your already messy hair.

"I'm always careful." You smirk. "I love you too mama."

The two of you go your separate ways, fighting the odd creatures that just kept coming. It wasn't until specs of dust twirled with the wind when you realized something was wrong.

You turned, ignoring the Outriders that were also intrigued by the dust flying through the air. But what you saw made your heart stop abruptly.

You dropped your weapons, rushing over to T'Challa's fallen body. But as soon as you got there, his body turned to ashes.


You couldn't think straight, you needed to find Natasha. You didn't know what you would do without her.

You frantically looked around the field, running in every direction your mother could be in.

"Mama!" You yelled. Everyone was disappearing around you. Your heart raced with fear and worry.

Natasha looked up from Vision's body seeing the remaining Avengers. But what she didn't see was you.


Steve looked up at Natasha as her breathing became uneven, her eyes wandering around her.

"Nat...?" He looked around, noticing your presence was nowhere to be found. He stood up, placing a hand on the red head's shoulder but she quickly shrugged him away.

"Y/n." Was all she said, ignoring everyone's concerning looks.

"Mama!" Your voice was strained and was just barely audible for Natasha to hear, but she did. She would know your voice anywhere.

Without any hesitation she ran toward you.

"Mama!" Your voice was becoming worried, not for Natasha, no. For yourself.

You could feel yourself slipping away, your body felt tingly but nothing happened just yet.

"Y/n!" Natasha's voice was just ahead, you could see her, the desperation in her eyes. Her smile was wide as she saw you, happy to know you were okay.

But you weren't okay.

You stumbled toward your mother, needing one last hug before you go. The desperation in your own eyes is what made Natasha's smile fade; something was wrong.

She sprinted to you, engulfing you in a hug just as your arms began to disappear.

"No, no, no!" She cried. "Stay with me, please don't leave me!"

You couldn't say anything, all you could do was cry into your mother's shoulder. You could feel her warmth and safety, but it was slipping away quickly.

"Don't do this!" Natasha yelled at you, but she wasn't mad. She was in too much pain, she just need her daughter.

You're body was no longer in her embrace, instead it whirled around loosely in the wind. Natasha felt weak, her knees buckling as she fell to the ground.

Tears streamed out of her forest green orbs for the first time. She wasn't crying, she was screaming. Screaming at the world. Hating the world.

Her screams could be heard miles away, the pain and heartbreak she felt could be heard worlds away.

She had lost the one thing that mattered to her.


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