Disappointed pt. 2

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Age: 21
Warnings: Drug use, alcohol, swearing
Word count: 1480

Ever since your mom caught you with drugs four years ago, you promised her you'd stop. You tried, you really did but it made you severely sick without them.

Your promise only lasted a few months before you begged your dealer for the drugs that your body so badly needed. You were severely sick with never ending muscle pains and nausea. Your body always shook with chills and your forehead was always covered with beads of sweat. That was until you got back on drugs.

You had to hide your drugs better, and you succeeded. You hid them under your floor boards and in your empty shampoo bottles. It was perfect as your mother never suspected a thing.

And then when you turned 21 everything was legal and within your reach. You had an extreme amount of money from all your birthdays and holidays and even your graduation. Most of the money came from Tony. You had your college fund that your mother set up for you the day you were born.

You felt bad using your college fund for drugs instead of college, but your body couldn't handle a single day without something in your system.

Your mother was blind to the fact that you were very clearly addicted to the most harmful drugs now. Not just weed but the hard stuff, the stuff that could kill you.

Maybe she had noticed something was off and she just refuses to believe it. Either way, you didn't care as long as she didn't call you out on it.

As promised, you went back to the Avengers compound for dinner with your mom. The team was once again on a mission but your mom skipped out because she was especially excited to have dinner with you.

She cooked your favorite meal and had the table set with a wine glass for each of you. She knew you weren't big on wine, which can be expected from a newly 21 year old, but she wanted you to at least try her favorite red wine.

As Natasha was setting the table with an uncontrolled smile, the door opened revealing your very tired state. She looked you up and down, worry flicking in her eyes.

When did she not worry?

You were dressed in leggings and a hoodie, your hair loosely tied into a messy bun and dark circles under were evident under your eyes.

"Hey baby!" Natasha shook the worry out of her mind and immediately enveloped you into a bear hug, practically crushing your bones.

You don't see her much, maybe once every few weeks for dinner. Natasha hated how distant you are but she's glad that you at least put in the effort for dinners every now and then.

"Hi mom." You replied with a half smile. You missed her a lot but all you could think about was the cocaine you received from your dealer only moments ago.

You sat down, ready to eat the delicious steak she cooked but felt an overwhelming urge to puke everywhere. God, you just needed a little bit. Just to get you through dinner.

You stood up quick, the chair squeaking across the wood floors. Natasha was startled, only for a moment before regaining her usual Robert-like expression. However, a look of worry still flickered in her emerald green eyes.

"Y/n?" Natasha called as you stumbled into the hall. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah mom, I'm fine." You replied. "Just going to the bathroom."

Natasha sat there staring at your empty seat. The smell of strong alcohol hit her like a train as she looked under the table.

A small puddle on the floor with an empty nip beside it.

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