Where is she!?

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A/N: Sorry it took so long for the next part, I've also been working on another story. Please check it out if you'd like. Also requests are always open so please send ideas!!

Age: 13
Warning: None
Word count: 873

Age: 13Warning: NoneWord count: 873

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"Bye baby." Natasha kissed your forehead. "Be good for me okay?" She gave you a stern look before making her way to the quinjet.

"Like you'd notice." You mumbled under your breath.

Natasha has been really distant and distracted, always working on mission reports or always away on missions. You weren't happy with her, you were actually very angry.

That night, once everyone else was in bed, you started to pack a bag full of clothes and the stash of money you stole from Tony. You were thinking about taking a quinjet but Tony could easily track the location while it would be harder for him if you just took a plane. So you sat down at your laptop and booked yourself a flight to Budapest. 8 hours and 35 minutes on a plane that leaves at 7am. At least you would be able to stay with your Aunt Yelena.

Yelena's POV:
It was 10pm when I heard a knock on my door. I went to open it to find my niece, Y/n. She had dark circles under her eyes and carried only one bag.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Where's your mother?" I don't understand why she would just show up randomly. If Y/n needed to come here, Natasha would call me and let me know.

"I need a place to sleep." Y/n said, rubbing her eyes. I ushered her in and she immediately slumped down on the couch.

"Nat's gonna be worried sick." I say finally catching on to the fact that she ran away. She shook her head.

"She's been so busy with work, the last thing she would notice is me missing." She sounded so sad and the only thing I could do was wrap my arms around her.

"That's not true." I say. "And you know it."

"It is true!" She yelled. "She's been ignoring me for months!" I continued to hug my niece until she drifted off into a deep sleep. I slowly move her off of me so I could get up and let Nat know her daughter is safe.

"Yelena?" Nat answered the phone sounding confused.

"It's been a minute." I say with a slight laugh.

"I don't have time for this right now," she says, her voice trembling. "Y/n's missing."

"I know, that's why I called." I said. "She just showed up at my door."

"What!?" Nat sounded angry and hurt. "I'm coming." She hung up and Yelena went back to Y/n and held her close.

"If only you heard how worried she sounded." I whispered into Y/n's ear, knowing full well she was sound asleep and wouldn't be able to hear me.

Nat's POV:
I was sitting on the couch with Y/n's head in my lap, stroking her hair. Yelena had went into her bedroom to get some sleep while I waited for my daughter to wake up.

"Auntie?" Y/n said, as she slightly opened her eyes.

"No baby, it's mama." I said kissing her forehead.

Yelena had filled me in on why she left, and how she felt. It broke my heart but she was right. I paid no attention to her and I was too focused on my work.

"Mama, I'm sorry I left." She started but I cut her off.

"It's okay, it's my fault." I said. "I shouldn't have pushed you away, I should have paid attention to you."

"You've been ignoring me for months." She said, a tear escaping her eye. I wiped it away with my thumb as I held her head in my hands.

"I promise you, I will never ignore you again." I said as I put my forehead against hers. "You mean more to me than you'll ever know."

"I love you mama." She said.

"I love you too, baby girl." I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

We sat together, snuggling for the next few hours. Her head was on my chest, listening to my heart beat to calm her down or make her feel at home. Just like she used to do when she was young. I held her close to me, playing with the ends of her hair as we watched our favorite movie.

"You know." I started. "This is where you were conceived."

She looked up at me with a disgusted face that made a laugh escape my mouth.

"In this building?" She asked and all I could do was laugh harder.

"No baby, You were conceived in Budapest." I said as she put her head back down on my chest. She wrapped her arms around me just like she did when she was a toddler and all I could do was smile and give her a tight squeeze, silently telling her I love her. I received a squeeze in reply: I love you too, mama.


Sorry if this is bad, I've been super busy lately as I'm beginning college in a few weeks so please bare with me. I hope you liked it!

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