Mute UA

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Read this for some backstory

This is sorta based off of the meme "I DON'T OWE YOU A GODDAMN THING!" So ya, check it out on yt if you want the audio to what's being said. And Tommy is selectively mute, and even though Dream is the villain, he's not cruel enough to force Tommy to talk, so there's still some good left. When Tommy talks, it's calm and quiet and usually when someone makes a small mistake, he's being nice, or something like that. The only time they've heard Tommy actually sound scary is when Eret betrayed them, and it scared the shit out of EVERYONE. Tommy's just as good at PVP as Technoblade, and that was kept a secret until Tommy lunged at Eret after he betrayed them and Eret barely survived, but Tommy almost never uses his actual PVP skills. I thought of this meme at 3am so here we are writing in the dark. Pog through the pain 😀

Tommy sat at the edge of his bed. He gripped his worn out quill in one hand, while the other held his bedsheets tightly.

"Tommy." Said a voice from outside. Tommy looked up, as the familiar white mask popped in through the flap to Tommy's exile tent. His best friend Tubbo, who happened to be the president of L'Manburg, had exiled him almost a month ago, and probably had no interest in bringing him back.

"What." Tommy scratched onto a piece of torn parchment, showing Dream. The green man smiled. His mask covered his eyes and nose, but not his mouth.

"You know what we need to do. Out." He said, pointing curtly at the flap. Tommy sighed and got up, making his bed creek.

He shuffled out, Dream tailing behind him. Tommy pointed his head down as Dream got out his iron shovel, digging out a new hole in the middle of a field of craters. The place looked like an abandoned battlefield. Dream finished digging a couple minutes later, and gestured at the six foot deep hole. Tommy opened his inventory and dumped everything in. He snapped the inventory back on and stepped away. Dream tossed the usual amount of tnt into the hole and used his flint and steel to get a spark. When he did, Dream swiftly moved back as he had a few seconds before...boom. The blast didn't even phase Tommy anymore, as he turned and went over to a tree, knocking it down to start over. Dream watched him and thought, I need a new way to scare him, intimate him, but what? The older male walked off to the nether portal that constantly taunted Tommy.

It was now getting dark as Tommy had the basic tools, a wooden sword, axe, pick, and dagger. He was pretty much finished when he heard talking from the portal's direction. He stood and walked over, not bothering to look good because he knew that his state was far beyond looking DECENT. He walked over and froze. There stood Dream, Tubbo, Techno, and Ghostbur. The three people Tommy cared about. They were chatting happily as Tommy went over.

"L'Manburg's been going really smoothly since Tommy's exile." Tubbo stated happily.

"Tommy's barely bugged me since he got exiled." Said Techno in his usual monotone voice, but it had a spark of happiness while saying that.

"How's Tommy, anyway?" Ghostbur asked, not caring wether things are good or bad when Tommy's around, being the typical nice ghost he was. He just wanted to know that his younger brother was okay.

"Oh, Tommy's been fine. If it weren't for me, he'd be dead. He owes me everything." Dream replied, smiling smugly as the three nodded. They turned their heads to see Tommy, worst he's ever looked, shaking slightly and clenching his teeth. Dream decided to play around here.

"Come on little lady, give us a smile." He said in a sort of singsong voice, causing the three to look to him.

"No I ain't got nothing to smile about" He said in a low voice that made everyone turn in shock.

"I got no one to smile for" He said in a little louder, taking a step closer.

"I waited a while for" Tommy said, pushing his former friend and brothers out of the way.

"a moment to say" He said, grabbing the front of Dream's hoodie, pulling him down to eye hight.

"I DON'T OWE YOU A GODDAMN THING!" He yelled, pushing Dream and let go of the hoodie, making everyone stare at shock as tears rolled down Tommy's cheeks. Tommy had never cried, not during war, loss, betrayal. Dream knew Tommy's PVP skills from Eret's betrayal, and Tommy hadn't even raised his voice at that one. The green man backed away a few steps, then making a dash to the portal. Tommy quickly pulled out his bow and arrow, only hovering for a second before letting go, making perfect impact with Dream's shoulder, which was exactly where Tommy intended to hit him, as a warning. Dream took the force of the blow, pushing him into the portal.

Dammit, Tommy ruined my plan. If I can kill the rest three, then I can say that Tommy killed them and injured me with his secret PVP skills. Yes. Bit I can't fight with an arrow to my shoulder. Glad Tommy missed and didn't hit my head, so he still has flaws. I can go to George and say it was a skeleton.

Dream thought as he made his way back up to the Overworld.

The four boys watched at Dream took a stumble into the portal. Tubbo, Techno, and Ghostbur turned to Tommy as he put the bow away.

"Never THINK of coming back here." He stated in a low growl.

"EXCEPT Ghostbur. He actually visits me and cares for me." Tommy turned his back and stalked off to his tent. 

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