December 5

197 9 2

so tjis oneshot seems like its made for the person this is dedicated for

And this shot is sorta angsty and finally centred around TOMMY 

Instead of Wilbur, but we all love fish fucker, right?

Tommy unlocked the apartment door. He looked around the dark, cold, apartment, wiping his snow-caked boots on the doormat before setting them on the tray next to the door. Tommy closed the door, turning on the lights, and putting the keys on the tiny, porcelain tray at the same time. Tommy turned to see the apartment again. 

The worn, red couch was snugly put in the middle of the room, facing the TV, which was between two ginormous windows. The bathroom was to the left, recording studio to the right, kitchenette just right to Tommy, in front of the studio door. To his left was a desk overflowing with homework and lyrics, notes and melodies. 

Tommy breathed in the smell. It was of the usual, wax from candles, fresh from the dying plants, lavender from something Tommy could never identify no matter how many times he came to the apartment, and pizza from all the times they ordered.

Tommy put on a bittersweet smile. He looked at the garlands him and Wilbur had put up on the higher parts of the walls, the small Christmas tree that Techno had brought in. They had all helped decorate the tree, it was about a meter half, so they didn't even need a stepladder. 

In the kitchen was neatly put away plates, bowls, glasses, mugs, and cutlery. The counter was wiped down, oven recently cleaned throughly, along with the fridge, sink, and stove. 

The couch was a housewarming gift from Techno. He had dropped the thing and made a dent in the floor just in front of where present-Tommy stood. It was still there, and made memories along with it.

Tommy remembered that Wilbur saved up a lot of money for the TV, trying to prove to Techno that he could save money and not just spend it when he got it. Wilbur had taken Tommy out shopping with the money, asking what they should get with it all, after Techno was baffled. 

The blonde 21 year old also remembered how much Wilbur loved the ginormous windows, when Techno said that it was too bright. "Bright means life, Techno. It symbolizes that we have hope and light." Was what Wilbur had replied. "Well I'm being blinded by 'hope'." Was what Techno said back to the 21 year old at the time. Wilbur was now 25. Techno was now 37.

The bathroom also held many memories. Tommy would constantly come home with cuts and scrapes, so Techno would treat them in the bathroom, using the first aid, which was to stay in the bathroom. Smaller kits were in the kitchen.

Tommy remembered a lot from the kitchen. Wilbur was a terrible cook, leaving Tommy to be the one to usually cook, along with Techno before the man left. Usually it was pasta, but the one time Tommy got salmon Wilbur screamed and had a mental breakdown.

The desk was where Tommy looked at now. He could see notes and staffs, rests and clefs, words and scribbles. He could see beauty, darkness, struggles, joy. Knowledge was overflowing from notebooks and textbooks, pens and pencils scattered everywhere. 

Teh recording studio was where Tommy's knowledge faded. Wilbur allowed nobody in there, but now that Tommy had unlimited access to the apartment, he had the right to enter. Present-Tommy slowly made his way over to the door, turning the knob. Snow started to fall heavily out the window, blowing straight into the two humongous pieces of glass. Tommy pushed open the door.

The walls in the room, unlike the rest of the apartment, were painted. The rest of the rooms were just brick, a nice aesthetic touch, as Techno had noted.  The walls were a nice aquamarine blue, in a neat square, LED lights glowing when Tommy flipped a light switch to the right. They started to transition through the colours pf the rainbow, relaxing Tommy. A PC and some recording stuff was in front of him, along with some monitors. Guitars were hung on the wall, ranging from acoustic ones, electrics, classical, electro-acoustic, and bass. An electric piano on the right wall made an L-shape with the desk, some sheets of music put on the stand. 

Tommyinnit oneshots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now