December 8

139 4 2

CarisonG you have been requested again

Speedeun, bois. Speedeunning at 1011 is good.

Math and music test tomorrow pog!

Gonna fail both but who cares i dont anyway-

And dre is still in prison but techno still isnt in

And tommy isnt revived for plot purposes 

Eryn, tina, micheal, bommer arent members yet

And im leaving out a few members I honestly dont understand their character

Bit of a writing prompt here:

Start your story with "The end of the world did not end with a bang, or a whisper, but rather with one scream at a time." 

The end of the world did not end with a bang, or a whisper, but rather with one scream at a time.

Blocks started to disappear.

Items as well.

Plants and mobs started to despawn faster.

The days and nights went faster.

Items stopped to work.

Enchantments weren't properly applied.

XP was lower.

Villagers were running.

Drista didn't show up anymore.

Dream was especially jittery. 

Sam Nook was malfunctioning.

Foolish was leaving a lot more.

Karl was having more memory problems than ever.

Same with Ranboo.

DreamXD deserted everyone.

Wilbur was always jumpy.

The Eggpire was especially alert.

Everyone knew something was happening.

They just didn't know what.

Tubbo was hoarding nukes.

Tommy was arming himself and his house.

Ranboo was writing every single detail in his book.

Phil and Techno gathered resources that were disappearing rapidly.

George was sleeping, no one knew when the last time he woke up was.

Sapnap was trying to help Karl as best he could.

Karl had no idea what was happening.

Niki and Jack were looking out for anything suspicious.

Quackity and Charlie kept building up Las Nevadas. 

Puffy was paniking over something she had no idea what was happening.

Sam was guarding the prison more heavily.

The Eggpire was more active than earlier.

Fundy was mentally breaking down.

Eret was pacing his castle.

Wilbur sat back and relaxed.

Why was Wilbur relaxing?

He knew exactly what all their fates were.

Two months after they found everything breaking, something happened.

Tommyinnit oneshots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now