December 10

119 4 0

this is 4 u ty for reading my book

And this is a completely different thing than my other book on a hogwarts au 

And it's incomplete im so behind imma do it l8r

Tommy was bouncing off the corridor walls with excitement. He was with his fellow first years, ready to get sorted into houses that would be their new lives for the next seven years. Tubbo and his new friend Ranboo stood next to him, equally excited but failed to show it as much as the blonde boy. They entered the Great Hall. Whispers greeted their entry, as they followed a professor called Whitall down the aisle to the famed stool. Tommy listened into some of the quiet voices while passing them.

"Did you hear that blonde boy tried to fight Dream at the station?"

"Heard the blue eyed kid is a Craft."

"That kid right there looks like a Gryffindor, 3 galleons."

"Wilbur's a Huffle, Techno's a Slyth, the kid has to be a Gryffindor to keep the tradition."

"Yeah, cuz Philza's from Ivermony, right? Transferred here for a job at the ministry."

Some of the things the students said were true.

Yes, Tommy did yell "fight me bitch!" at Dream at the station, only because the Slytherin seventh year called him a child.

Yes, Tommy was offspring of Philza Craft and a Samsung fridge.

Yes, Tommy was always asked if he was a Gryffindor when Phil brought him and his brothers to work.

Yes, Tommy was constantly told by his adopted older brothers Wilbur and Techno that he was a Gryffindor. 

Yes, Phil had come to England for a job at the English Ministry of Magic. Another reason was that his father had passed and left the house, conveniently in the UK, for Phil.

So some rumours and gossip are true.

By then, Whitall had them herded in front of the famous stool and hat. Professor Whitall took the hat upon their hands, along with a list of names. Tommy basically zoned out looking around the majestic hall when he heard a familiar name called. 

"Ranboo Beloved."

Ranboo, the skinny, tall, vitiligo boy Tubbo picked up on the train went forward. Not even ten seconds after the hat was on his black and white haired head the hat yelled 'Hufflepuff'. The yellow and grey housed kids clapped loudly as the boy seemingly teleported there, he was so fast. 

Tommy waited for the next kid with a last name starting with 'b' to get sorted, she was in Gryffindor. He knew he was gonna be soon, with a last name of Craft.

"Thomas Craft!" Whitall yelled. Tommy waltzed up to the stool, Wilbur and Techno shooting him optimistic looks that he would end up with the girl at her table. Tommy sat down, looking as far up as possible for the sorting hat. Whitall slowly lowered the hat. 

The hat didn't even touch his head with Tommy heard it. It was humming, deciding. Tommy waited patiently for the hat to stop humming. Everyone else in the Great Hall as well, though they couldn't hear the hat. 

1 minute.

2 minutes.

3 minutes.

5 minutes.

8 minutes.

9 minutes.

The hat stopped humming. Tommy tensed. When the other students noticed, they shut up. Tommy had heard the words 'hatstall' and 'probably a world record, innit?' around some of them. Some teachers behind him were also talking in hushed voices.

"Ravenclaw!" The hat yelled. Everyone went silent. Tommy looked over at the Hufflepuff and Slytherin tables, where Wilbur and Techno sat shell-shocked. No bet money was traded. Nobody had thought he would be in Ravenclaw. 

"Remember, Tommy, Ravenclaw isn't based around smarts. It's a lot more than that. Use your creativity." The hat said before Whitall took the hat off. 

"Well that was unexpected." Tubbo said out loud from the cluster of first years.

Uh yeah im like 7 days behind so ill do this one later itll be long lol

Cliffhanger btw

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