A mother's love AU

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So i thought of this after thinking about clara and the disc confrontation lol

Not revised or edited, yet even read over lol

Its 11:45 pm on a school night i need to post-

"Tommy, are you ready?" The mouse brown haired boy asked his best friend.

"Always have been." The blonde boy replied. The two best friends climbed up the mountain, Tommy checking to make sure on the compass. The wind rolled off them, the sun starting to rise after ages of rowing, far away from the mainlands. 

At the top, the man in the green hoodie and porcelain mask stood, watching them get up. Though he had a mask, they could feel his sadistic smile gleaming at them. The teen called Tommy's bright sky blue eyes narrowed. He pulled out his sword, and charged, his friend Tubbo following in suit. The man, Dream, quickly pulled out a shield to block their attacks, along with another black gleaming sword to attack. 

After seemingly hours of fighting, both boys were on the edge of the cliff. All they had left were daggers, their swords got disarmed and tossed off, chipping rocks on the fall. Dream's mask had split, courtesy of Tubbo, revealing glowing green eyes and half a freckled face, decorated by a maniacal grin.

"Time for you to die!" Dream shouted, raising his sword to stab Tommy, the same way Phil stabbed Wilbur. Suddenly, a dull white light encased the sword, entwining Dream's hands. They all went silent.

"What the fuck?" Tommy finally said. 

"What?" Tubbo asked in shock.

"What kinda black magic is this shit?!" Tommy yelled, watching as Dream attempted to pry his hands pff the frozen sword, with no success. 

"Tommy are you doing this?!" Tubbo screamed, looking over at the blonde to his left.

"Wha- me?! It's you!" Tommy retorted, turning to see his friend to the right. 

"Idiots! It's neither of you!" Dream shouted, still trying to get the sword out of the white magic.

"Well, what is it?!" The seventeen year old boys asked in union. 

"I think it's a... mothers love spell. The caster can only do it if they are a mother and her child/children are in danger. The mother can be dead or alive, the spell stays until the lady arrives, alive or dead. She can appear physically or in astral form, if dead. Who's mother would it be then?" Dream pondered.

"Well, I'm an orphan so I don't know my mum or dad..." Tubbo trailed off sadly. Tommy stared at him. 

"Wait, I thought your parents were Schlatt and Quackity?" Tommy asked, perplexed. Tubbo blinked.

"Wha... no I don't think so... Mama Q is definitely not my bio mum..." Tubbo noted, thinking.

"So who's mom is it then?" Dream asked, irritated, unable to remove his hands from the netherite sword.

"Ain't mine. Could it be Kristen?" Tubbo suggested.

"Wha- Kristen isn't my bio mum." Tommy answered. Now both were confused, along with Dream.

"What? She isn't?" Both Tubbo and Dream asked at the same time.

"Of course she isn't my bio mum! I don't know who my bio mum is?!" Tommy answered, rolling his eyes.

"What in the gods above..." Dream trailed off, looking below. About two meters down beneath where Tommy and Tubbo were cornered, stood a woman. She had mouse brown hair, bright sky blue eyes, and white hot glowing hands. All three stared at her.

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