December 27

89 2 5

Part 2 of yesterday

A piglin hybrid, an arctic jackalope hybrid, an arctic fox hybrid, a sheep hybrid, a mooshroom hybrid, and a ferret hybrid trudged through thick snow.

"C'mon guys, we gotta be at Rose's dad's house soon!" Micheal, the piglin hybrid, said. Five jaws chattered in response. Mike sighed. They were in the middle of the snowy biome, more of the cold white flakes coming down.

"Look! Smoke!" Bella, the mooshroom hybrid, exclaimed, pointing a shivering finger forward. Indeed, there was smoke piling high and a dim glow in the distance.

"Finally! My mums are gonna be so worried, oh no..." Cloud, the sheep hybrid, said. They rubbed their hands together for warmth. The six kept going forward, watching the sun set to the left. After getting closer, the arctic fox hybrid, Yogurt, sighed loudly.

"That's not Uncle Techno's house, guys..." She sighed, pulling her arms closer around her.

"Fuck, well we can't do anything now... hope the person living there is nice to let us stay for the night." Rose, the arctic jackalope hybrid, cursed, leading the way with the light of a lantern.

"So we j-just go up to the door and ask?" Lizzie, the ferret hybrid, asked, teeth chattering loudly. 

"Yes!" Everyone else shouted, also freezing.

So that was how Mike, Rose, Yogurt, Cloud, Bella, and Lizzie were going to a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

After a few minutes, they made it to the door. Lizzie knocked confidently, she was always insecure about everything, but pretended to be confident. The wooden door opened.

"Oh Prime, who would come during this storm?" A young voice asked, pulling the door open. They blinked. It was a spider hybrid, maybe their age of 12, and Mike's of 13, with brilliant red eyes and a knitted blue sweater. "You guys look a li'l young to be buying anything."

"Buy anything?" Mike asked. 

"Yeah! This is Innit Breeding. I'm ShroudInnit, the co-owner of this business. What're you fuckers doing here in the snowstorm?" Shroud introduced and asked.

"We got lost to my dad's place, could we stay for the night?" Rose asked, standing her ground. She really took on the scariness of her dad.

"That'd be up to my dad, but- DADDDDDD!" Shroud yelled behind them, taking their focus from the six.

"Wooot?!" A man yelled back, quieter due to being further into the mansion. 

"There's six lil shits here, their lost and need to stay for the night!" Shroud yelled back. The six they were talking about were shivering on the porch.

"Let em in!" Was the reply, and a few minutes later the hybrids sat with warm cups of hot chocolate, fresh clothes, wet clothes drying in front of the fire they were beside. Around them, dogs were lying and walking everywhere. They had introduced themselves and their pronouns, and learnt that Shroud was bigender. 

"So what is Innit Breeding?" Cloud asked, taking a sip.

"Innit Breeding breeds dogs, as you can see." Shroud said, glancing around at the fuckers.

"So they're all the same or..?" Bella asked, wiping away the milk moustache.

"No, no! Different collars for different breeds." Shroud answered, showing them a green collar on the ones cuddled around them. 

"What does it mean then?" Yogurt asked, rubbing the back of a dog's ear. His lil tongue stuck out.

"The green-collared ones are house dogs, purely for pets. They still eat meat, though, but will not attack any sort of human or hybrid. These will chase small animals like rabbits, but not anything bigger than themselves." Shroud answered, kissing the head of the dog they were petting.

"The yellow ones?" Mike asked, looking across the room. 

"Oh, those are adventure dogs. They were bred for long distances and heavy work, and fur is more thicker than the house dogs for colder temps. They can sleep outside but I don't suggest leaving them out there forever in colds." Shroud answered.

"Red ones over there?" Lizzie asked. 

"Oh, those are hunt dogs. Made to hunt and kill any sort of animal, hybrid, or human the owner says to. Usually purchased in twos or threes. Same sorta rules as adventure dogs, leave 'em outside for most of the time, thicker fur, longer distances than house dogs." Shroud answered.

"I like the idea of that." Rose said, looking at one.

"Well duh, we know who your dad is, Rose." Mike replied. "This one has green and yellow on the collar."

"Those are mixed ones, which means that dog can have traits of both kinds, be a house dog and run long distances for example. I usually suggest to get one dog or dogs of the same gender and neutered so that there's no problems with accidental breeding, which is a big risk for the dogs." Shroud said. "All the dogs here are female, the male's are upstairs."

"Why do they have to be the same gender and neutered?" Cloud asked politely. 

"Not neutered dogs of the same gender might become aggressive with each other if they see a dog of a different gender, to try and... mate." Shroud said. They all looked away.

"How long've you been doing this?" Yogurt asked.

"Oh, my whole life. My dad doesn't have a good past so he had to run away with me. They haven't found him yet." Shroud said, looking at the stairs. 

"Who's they?" Rose asked threateningly.

"I can't tell you, I don't have any real names. All he says that they caused him a lot of pain and suffering mentally and physically." Shroud said, hugging the dog. "Where're you guys from?"

"I'm from Snowchester, it's a nation a little far away. We had to go to Rose's dad's house for some food, but sorta got lost and the storm came in." Mike answered. A/N Michael my beloved

"My dad just sorta lives in the middle of nowhere with my grandpa, my uncle also lives there, with Bella. We usually stay at Snowchester." Rose answered, Bella nodding. A/N by now i would think you realized that rose is technos adopted daughter. And whos living with technoblade, thats his brother.

"I live in a castle, with my adopted mum/dad, my name comes from a queen." Lizzie answered. A/N queen lizzie the second, my immortal queen (its eret btw)

"I live with Lizzie, my adopted dad lives with her adopted dad but he's sorta adopted by her dad so she's technically my aunt but we don't talk about that." Yogurt filled in. A/N we know who's child yogurt is

"I also live in Snowchester with my mums, I'm close friends with Mike." Cloud smiled. A/N puffys a part of Snowchester so niki just lives in snowchester with her wife while also being a part of the syndicate

"I live with Rose, as she said." Bella just shrugged as she fished out a marshmallow.

"Cool. I just live here, and we're too far from anything so I'm alone with my dad and dogs..." Shroud said, looking into their cup. "Anyway, you can settle in with the dogs, females are better at making you feel at home."

"Wait, what'd you mean 'settle in'?" Mike asked, putting his cup to the side. 

"Means we're sleeping down here, innit?" Bella groaned. Shroud put out the fire. Everything went dark but the stars shining through the windows. 

"Congratulations, you get a fucking prize. These bitches are very comfy, by the way. Bitch is a female dog so technically it's not a swear." Shroud told as they curled up with three giant huskies. Everyone cuddled up with some huskies, and as Shroud said, they were very comfy. The floors were carpets because all the dogs in the room were well trained, so there were no worries for accidents. 

They would find their way to Technoblade's cabin the next day.

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