Percy Jackson AU pt 2

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So this is gonna take longer than i thought, but heres part 1! Bolded means charmspeak or extra loud.

Phil, Wilbur, and Tubbo were dropping Tommy off at camp. Henry, Tommy's mortal parent, was busy at work and thankful someone else could do it. 

"Wow, it's actually real..." Wilbur said, looking at the barn. The faded sign sat there proudly, marking the mortals eyes.

"Bye, Tommy. Until September?" Tubbo asked hopefully, where Tommy reassured his best friend that the adventures were probably over. He remembered the day that a ravenette boy dragged in a satyr, minotaur horn in his hand. The look of pure determination on his face made Tommy admire him, even before he became known as a son of Poseidon. Tommy was a little eight year old boy then, camping in the Hermes cabin because his mom didn't have that many children. Last time Camp Half-Blood saw a child of Adrestia was 50 years ago. That also meant he was spoiled by his parent, in a way of speaking. 

"Bye, mate. Don't die." Phil said, hugging the blonde. Tommy then raced above the hill, and to Camp. It was about dinner time, so everyone was at the pavilion. 

"Sup, fuckers?!" Tommy called out. Everyone looked up to see the kid, and greeted him wholeheartedly. A girl and boy, son of Prometheus and a daughter of Iris, ran up to him and hugged. 

"Tommy! Finally!" The girl yelled, grinning widely. 

"Nice to see you, man." The guy said, patting Tommy's back. The two were his best camp friends, he could never compare them to Tubbo.

"Hey Angie! Kal!" Tommy smiled, everyone else slowly going back to their respectful conversations. The trio kept talking as Tommy got some food, then going to their different tables. 

The next morning, everyone was having a usual Saturday. Training, shooting, picking, chatting, swimming, etc. Tommy was just having a stroll around the perimeter when a car parked. Two people got out, a woman with curly blonde hair, a streak of white, stormy grey eyes, and a CHB shirt, and a man with hair black as ink, with a few strands of hair white as pearls, seaweed green eyes, and also a CHB shirt. It was Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson. 

Tommy looked at them. Percy waved, with a huge smile, which Tommy repeated back. 

"Hi! Nice to see you back." Tommy said when they went through the barrier. Peleus snorted, and the two demigods greeted the dragon. 

"Who're you again? Sorry, not good with faces." Percy said, guilty.

"Tom Simons, son of Adrestia, goddess of revolt." He introduced himself. 

"Revolt?" Percy asked. His girlfriend nudged him.

"Revolution, rebellion, balance, that sort of thing." Tommy listed off on his fingers. 

"Okay. Anything interesting happening so far?" Percy changed the subject. 

"Not really. We can hope, though." Tommy told, glumly. 

"Any quests?" Annabeth asked. Tommy shook his head, defeated.

"Well, if there is, and they want me to do it, could you? I think you're a good person. Please?" Percy asked desperately, to which Annabeth hit the back of his head and started to lecture him. Tommy, panicked, told Annabeth that he could. They made their way down to the Pavilion, seeing as it was about lunchtime. Angie and Kal met up with them, and they all got lunch. Some newcomers went to meet Percy, along with some of the son of Poseidon's old friends. Just when they were going to split ways, a voice came from behind them.

"Perseus Jackson." They said. When the five turned, as of everyone else, they saw it was a girl, maybe Percy and Annabeth's age. She had choppy beige hair, one green and one brown eye, dirty yellow t-shirt, and a sadistic smile. She was holding somebody up. 

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