December 1

614 14 0

yep thought of this on the 5 so its not too late to start writing!

Inspired by LuminaStarCrest's oneshots book coffee shop au

Wilbur was having a usual day in the coffee shop. It was later into the night, and all the customers had left a while ago. The snow fluttered down outside, and it was already dark at 6pm. Wilbur was rather glad he was indoors. The fake Christmas tree glittered with streamers and shiny ornaments, lights flashing in colours of all sorts. The place smelled of cinnamon, spices, and coffee, a smell Wilbur enjoyed, one of the main reasons he worked at the shop. 

Another reason was to support his family, a beautiful and smart redhead called Sally and their redhead, adorable son, Fundy. Wilbur's immediate family left him in the dust with little money, just out of college, and a teen pregnancy with his girlfriend. 

Wilbur checked his watch, he was starting to get worried. It was almost 6:15, just a few minutes off, and none of the three regulars had come yet. Wilbur kept glancing at his watch over the seconds. The digital of 6:14 turned to 6:15.

The bells above the door jingled.

Wilbur looked up to see a man with piercings on basically every place you can, a man-bun, backpack, puffy red coat with white fur, yellow trapper hat, duffel bag for the local fencing club, and snow peppering him.

"Welcome! What can I get for you?" Wilbur asked with enthusiasm. Techno rolled his eyes.

"I'll get the usual." He replied, sitting in a seat close to the counter. Wilbur smiled, the college student never failed to arrive at 6:15, down to the second. Wilbur poured Techno the cappuccino, with a bit more milk because that was how Techno liked his coffee less bitter. Wilbur handed Techno his coffee, Techno paying and going to his seat close to the counter.

By then, Techno had cracked open another book and his laptop, getting to work. Sure, there were other coffee shops around, but because Wilbur's one was more smaller and less known, it was easier to do homework or study for exams. Now, they had to wait for the other two nighttime regulars.

As speak of the devil, the doors opened again, sending a blast of cold to Wilbur. He shivered. In walked a boy with a red coat, school uniform, blonde gold hair, winter boots, backpack, white tuque, and a huge smile.

"Eyyyyy big man Wilbur!" Tommy shouted, going up to the counter, while shedding the coat and backpack at Techno's table. Wilbur and Techno shared a look, before Wilbur turned his attention to the ninth grader.

"Welcome! What can I get for you?" Wilbur asked with more of a forced enthusiasm. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Formal bitch. The usual." Tommy said, leaning on the counter as Wilbur poured the boy a java chip frappe, with more chips than usual because that was how Tommy liked it, and Wilbur learned the hard way. Wilbur and Tommy traded the things in their hands. Tommy got his frappe, and Wilbur got the money.

"Why're you even drinking a frappe on the 17th of December? It's snowing hard." Wilbur remarked, Tommy flipping him off and taking a sip. Tommy dragged the chair from the table and sat down, pulling out his phone. Wilbur rolled his eyes. The kid was probably texting someone, most likely his parents or friend Tubbo, judging the way his fingers moved. He smiled and put down his phone, then starting up a conversation with Techno, who was just trying to get though the book.

The bells jingled again.

Wilbur looked up to see the final nighttime regular, a man who worked at an office nearby. He usually stayed later at the office than his coworkers. Phil had flecks of snow in his straw yellow hair, along with business suit black pants showing from underneath a long green coat. A stripy hat and scarf of lime green and white went on him too. Wilbur smiled.

"Welcome! What can I get for you?" Wilbur asked with true enthusiasm. 

"I'll get the usual." Phil said, also tossing off his coat, scarf, and hat at the shared table. The other two smiled and greeted the man, Tommy picking up where he left off once Phil was at the counter. Wilbur got Phil's simple expresso, no extra or less ingredients. Phil gave Wilbur the money, and Wilbur gave Phil the expresso. The man had gotten to Tommy and Techno's table, not really listening to whatever Tommy was now chattering about. Wilbur smiled fondly at them.

"Wil, mate, come sit with us." Phil called over when Tommy took a breath. The students agreed with Phil, and Wilbur looked out the window. It was snowing hard, and not a single person or car was seen. Wilbur sighed. He made his way around the counter, sitting down at the table. Tommy continued ranting about his day, Phil adding some advice, Techno putting in his sarcastic comments, and Wilbur chuckling at some parts.

After about twenty minutes, Tommy's phone buzzed. He looked at the screen, then telling everyone his mum was waiting outside the door, though all anyone could make out was the headlights with how hard it was snowing. 

A few minutes later, Phil got up to go to his shift, which started in thirty minutes, twenty to get back into his office against the thick snow. 

All that was left was Techno, who had no curfew, and Wilbur, who could stay as long as he wanted for the shift. Sally and Fundy were fine at home, Sally texted Wilbur asking when he would be home. Wilbur replied with a maybe hour or so, seeing as Techno's book was half done and rather thin compared to some of them.

Wilbur breathed in the smells, tuning his ears to the music playing through the cafe, a soft 'jingle bells' tune. Wilbur got to work, cleaning the counter.

And that is for the first!

We're gonna keep going!

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