Ghostbur AU (Halloween special!)

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For Halloween!


Sorta wilbur centric tho

Wilbur was excited. It was Halloween night, and they were all going trick-or-treating. He was going with Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Techno, Dream, George, Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap. Phil was driving all the teens up to a more crowded neighbourhood for more candy. They all looked so amazing that Wilbur got a little jealous of them.

Wilbur was going as a ghost, using a bedsheet with eye holes.

Niki was going as a masquerade ball guest, with a baby blue ball gown and feathery mask.

Tommy and Tubbo were going as their idols. By that it meant that they were going as each other, borrowing clothes from each other. 

Techno was going as a king, but obviously couldn't help but have his bucket as a pig.

Dream was going as a prisoner, orange jump suit and all.

George was going as a mushroom. Simple as that. 

Karl was a time traveler, he had a custom hoodie and book DIYed himself.

Quackity was a casino owner. How that worked, Wilbur didn't know.

Sapnap was going as an executioner. He had an axe with fake blood and the black gown sorta thing.

Phil simply went as the Grim Reaper. He had a sickle and black robes. 

Phil dropped the ten kids off at Essempi Town, a richly populated area compared to L'Manburg. They went from house to house, and it seemed as though Techno had hidden daggers all over his body to threaten the adults to giving them candy, and Tubbo just had a kitchen knife in his pumpkin basket. He kept it hidden using a big Hershey Bar.  

"Guys, look at that creepy house!" Sapnap said, pointing at the wooden mansion on the top of a hill, farther away from the town. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. We need to cut through the graveyard." Niki pointed out, gesturing at the many tombstones decorating the front yard. Karl nodded along with her.

"I say I'm not a pussy. I'm going, they probably have the best candy!" Tommy stated, walking over. 

"Well, I'm dressed as Tommy so I guess I need to go too." Tubbo said, rushing after Tommy. 

"Well I am the feared Technoblade and someone needs to watch the gremlins so I'm going." Techno said, speed walking to the 12 year old boys. Dream blinked.

"If Techno's going, I'm going, he would never let me live this down."

"I'm not scared!" George yelped as he ran after his 15 year old boyfriend.

"Oi! I'm not letting you go alone!" Sapnap yelled after his best friends. 

"Sapnap! Stay with me! You're my defence, Quackity is my offence!" Karl shouted as he ran after Sapnap.

"I- for fuck's sake." Quackity said as he rushed after his boyfriends. Niki and Wilbur were left.

"Guess we're going too then." Niki said and went after them. Wilbur followed. 

At the gates of the cemetery, Tommy wasn't sure if he still wanted to do it. Tubbo, on the other hand, rushed in, like a classic Tommy. The real Tommyinnit decided that it was Tubbo's shirt making him a pussy and his shirt was making Tubbo fearless. The other six came in afterwards, and they trekked up the hill to the house. 

"You know, maybe we should turn back." George said nervously, eyes flitting around. 

"Alright, let's turn back." Dream said, doing a 180 and taking George's hand. 

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