Revived PROMPT

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Tommy leaned on a brick pillar holding up the railroad. He fucked up. Badly. He looked at the mucky water that ran under the bridge. It was an arch bridge, made of bricks and cement, to hold up the steam engine called Essempi Railways. The sky was grey and thunder was booming, though there was no rain or lightning. 

There was an electric feel to the air. 

Everyone was uneasy. They were all tense and brought weapons around, studying everyone they walked past, hurrying by, praying to the gods above. Before Wilbur Soot, the worst god of all time, was summoned back into their world to cause chaos like he did decades earlier. 

Before he was exiled, he left a little Pandora's Box for the world. A boy. A devil in disguise. An innocent child, who wreaked havoc without meaning it. The boy was lost as soon as he was seen, and just then a baby was left on the doorstep of an orphanage.

Years later, Wilbur had managed to make a rip in their world, to visit. Everyone panicked, but he was intangible. Then, everyone learnt that the sweet boy who unwillingly caused chaos was in fact the chaos god's son/brother. Wilbur also killed and then re-added Tommy to show off that Tommy was, in fact, Wilbur's creation. Tommy got a bone-white streak in his golden hair. That just made them protect him more.

Until he had fucked up, bringing us back to where he was.

Under a bridge, replaying what just happened in his mind.

The only necromancer in their time. Dream. He had threatened everyone into reviving the worst people in history to have his way. He was the reason of the skies being a dull grey 24/7, the sun never shining, the stars never making an appearance, why there was barely any food to scrape by, why the water was polluted, why so many animals were extinct. He was the source of their problems.

And that day, Tommy had provoked Dream.

To be fair, it was a loaf of stale bread that caused it.

He was hungry, okay? He had grabbed a loaf from the waste pile outside of Dream's mansion, where all day-old food that could still be edible was thrown out. Dream was taking a stroll in his lavish gardens and had a glimpse of golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. 

Tommy could basically feel Dream's sadistic grin and gleam in his eye as he started to chant in a foreign language, a satanic circle enveloping the necromancer. The pentagram rose into the sky, penetrating the atmosphere to grab the dead. Everyone had seen it. 

Dream had called everyone to Towns Square. The people gathered their best weapons, armour, nostalgic items, and offerings to the gods as they shuffled to the 1 by 1 km square. It fit everyone, seeing as people died everywhere due to everything, every year when Tommy went to school there weren't people there anymore. 

Everyone knew what had happened. People got married young because they worried that they were going to die very young. Teens were giving birth to children, everyone had at least 3 kids if married straight, gays were forced to adopt at least 3 kids.

Tommy was the result of that. Him and his best friends Ranboo and Tubbo were adopted by two nice guys called Technoblade and Philza, who had married because they wanted to adopt. More of Phil wanting younger people in the house, and Techno just rolling with it. 

Techno was the only one who understood Tommy's pain when Wilbur revealed Tommy. Techno used to be an underground fighter and got a name for himself everywhere. Blood god, they chanted. Ruthless killer, the whispered. Everyone stayed clear of his path. The only one who was kind to him outside of the house was the baker girl Niki.

Niki was the one who baked for Dream, and often made more for everyone to share. Everyone protected her and saw her as a mother/sister. She contributed to the city, reading to the children or babysitting while parents were out working.

Tommyinnit oneshots (mostly angst)Where stories live. Discover now