Jesus in L.A. PROMPT pt 4

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This is a techno version of it all! Woo!

Btw tommy, techno, and wilbur have a 5 year age gap, techno & wil being twins


Well, I shook hands with the devil

Techno was supposed to be Phil's prodigy, along with Wilbur. The twins were supposed to be just as good businessmen as their father, and Techno did exactly that. He worked hard to get good grades, joined multiple clubs, got friendly with teachers, basically like a teachers pet. Wilbur did the same, until the ripe young age of 8. He started to act out, not work as hard for his grades, get friends, not be stuck up to teachers, basically a normal kid. Phil didn't like it though.


Down on the south side

Then, Wilbur had joined the band. He learnt his passion for music, and over the course of a year decided he wanted to be a musician. Techno kept working on his grades, but soon started to notice at nine that the two were having hushed arguments to spare 5 year old Tommy, who was just starting kindergarten. 


And he bought us both a drink

The screaming in fights started at about 11 years old. Tommy was about six, and Techno wanted a way out. That was when he started streaming. To save up money, for when he was at the legal age to move out. 


With a pad and a pencil sat by his side

Techno kept advancing with his studies. Juggling Tommy, streaming, schoolwork, and keeping Phil and Wilbur off each other's throats was exhausting, even if he was a year ahead in school.


I said, "Tell me what you think"

At 13 Techno was making money off of streaming with 1.5k viewers. It was helping him with Tommy, who wasn't being fed due to not being able to go to the kitchen without being yelled at. His brother was 6 years old, he needed food. Techno would sneak out at the dead of night for food, putting it all in a mini fridge bought off of streaming money. The viewers on his streams got a bit suspicious of him, but never enough.


I've been looking for my savior, looking for my truth

Techno was truly desperate now. Phil had just given him a 20$ bill and told him to be a man. Like, what? Techno was 14. He was still becoming a man. Now Techno had to use some of his streaming money for his own necessities like clothes or hygiene products. Along with food for two. 

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