Acting AU

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so im rly sorry if I get plot lines wrong its a bit blurry for me so...

if u see ████ then its on an interview so make that bleep sound and guess what was gonna be said in the comments!


"So, Clay, what will your next movie be?" An interviewer asked Clay. They were sitting in a nice filming set, with plush seating and a live audience. Cameras were streaming the show live so that people could see the famous actor's answers.

"Well, one of my old friends from university reached out and said he was going to be filming a TV series, and wanted me to be a part of it. So, I will next be playing Dream from The Essempi!" He said, waving his hands in the air. People gasped. Lots clapped. They were thinking something along the lines of so many famous directors ask him to play parts and he goes for a lesser known college friend? Clay Wellington didn't care though. Wilbur was a dear friend of his from acting school, they had chatted and found that Wilbur liked to act, but more so liked to write scripts and direct. They kept in touch, but had drifted apart after a year, when Wilbur had sent the email. 

Dear Clay,

 I know we haven't chatted in a while, but I took your advice and am starting a TV series. It's called The Essempi, and has a role I think you would be great in. I haven't come up with names, you can choose, but I have the characters ready, and seeing your Manhunt movies, I think you'd be good. Obviously, there're better studios for you, but I thought I might ask. Essempi has a lot of fights, wars, manipulation, swearing, and a whole bunch of other cool things. Message me back if you wanna take the part or if you just wanna chat! 

Wilbur Soot, director, screenwriter, actor

Of course, Clay had checked his calendar for dates and times, but after he messaged Wilbur back saying yes. He also asked if his new friends, George, Nick, Daryl, Andy, and Sam from his 5 Manhunt movies, could join, and Wilbur instantly agreed, finding them a good place. Clay also suggested the name 'Dream' for his character, because it was Wilbur who helped him achieve his dream. George, Nick, Daryl, Andy, and Sam all agreed to the series as well, choosing out their own names. George stayed George, Nick chose Sapnap after a childhood nickname his sister Pennie gave him, Daryl chose Badboyhalo after his Minecraft name, Andy chose the name Antfrost after some of his favourite things, and Sam stayed as Sam. Wilbur sent them all a schedule, but sent Clay a separate email asking him to find more actors and actresses. 

"Right, thank you for joining us here at ActorsNews, with Clay Wellington!" The interviewer said, and everybody applauded. Clay exited the studio, making his way back home. Getting back to the multi-million apartment complex, Clay got ready for bed and got popcorn, going onto the television, determined to find actors for Wilbur. 


It was 12 in the morning, and Clay had a small list of people to suggest. He was scrolling through, when he came across a TV show. Clay eagerly pressed the button and started watching. By the time season four of Hypixel; The Series had ended, Clay clicked the ballpoint pen and added one last name to it; Thomas Simons. 


The next morning, Clay walked to the small studio Wilbur owned. He wondered how they were going to film in such a small space, but his eyes widened when he closed the door. It was huge. Clay guessed 8000 square feet of sound stage, a decently-sized editing area, a garage door half opened, revealing a bunch of props, a makeup room, two bathrooms for obvious reasons, and a small kitchenette. Wilbur was sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee from a take-out cup and re-reading a script, blue ballpoint pen laying next to him. Clay went over. 

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