Hanahaki and Karlnapity AU pt 2

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This is the next part to the third ending of Hanahaki Sickness AU.

I suggest reading the previous part before this one. It'll make a lot more sense, if you don't want to then just read ending #3 and that'll help.

Its really short and I lost motivation and have no idea where this is going-


Tommy walked for fuck knows how long. He just trudged along. Through deserts, mountains, forests, villages, meadows, fields, swamps, grasslands, tundras, taigas. After seemingly hours, he finally collapsed due to the heat, exhaustion, sadness, dehydration, hunger.


That was all he remembered before everything faded away into quiet and dark.

Tommy woke to a darkened room. The bed he was in was sloping down to the left, where a figure slept. Tommy jumped, alerting the person. They quickly reached over, tugging on the lamp, turning it on.

"Chill, man. It's only me." The guy said, now known as Quackity with his raven hair and beanie. Tommy exhaled in small relief. The door opened to reveal Sapnap. He carried a tray of water. He made a small smile, sitting on the right side of Tommy.

"You fainted in the middle of a meadow, Tommy. Why the hell were you there? It's like, 10000 blocks away from L'Manburg." Sapnap said, handing a glass to the sixteen year old, who gratefully drank. Once he drained the cup, Sapnap took the glass and placed it on the tray.

"I left. Caught Hanahaki." Tommy said, and a gasp was heard from the doorway. The trio looked up to see Karl with his hand over his mouth.

"Hana-what now?" Sapnap asked.

"Hanahaki. Triggered by one-sided love." Karl said, rushing over.

"The victims cough up blood and flower petals." He finished, hugging the boy.

"Hurts like hell, bitch." Tommy said, although it was muffled by Karl's hoodie.

"Wait so you've been throwing up blood and flowers?" Quackity questioned.

"Used to." Tommy said as he pulled away from the brunette.

"Did you... Resolve it?" Karl asked tentatively. Tommy nodded.

"Got over the fuckers."

"Who? If you don't mind me asking."


With that, the three men pitying the boy, who disliked it greatly.

"Alright. Get some rest, Tommy." Sapnap finally said, getting up. His fiancés followed in suit, turning off the lights and shutting the door. Tommy laid down, listening to the faint conversation behind the door. It felt a bit empty in the room without Quackity's warmth and snores next to him. Listening to their calm voices helped the 16 year old fall into slumber.

The next morning, Tommy was awoken by the smell of pancakes. He opened his eyes to find that Sapnap and Quackity were cuddling him. He tried to slowly get out so that they wouldn't wake, but failed when Sapnap pulled him in closer. So ther, the great, ferocious, powerful, charismatic, devilish, amazing, troublemaking, skillful, fearsome, pog, terrifying, awesome Tommyinnit sat cuddled by two sleepy men. There he laid until a familiar guy poked his head in and said;

"Breakfast's ready."

With that, his two fiancé's were already seated at the table. Tommy laughed as he joined them, eyeing the plate stacked with pancakes. 

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