December 3

277 11 0

So this one is for a online friend of mine, i mean we had an awesome comment convo on pjo/mcyt fandoms so 

And this is basically the camarvan conflict lol

Eret, Fundy, and Niki were going to the park. They dragged along sleds, snowball makers, and other snow toys along. There, they were going to meet Dream, Sapnap, George, Purpled, Ponk, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur. Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur had gone early, and the three lived close together so they went together.

When they got to the snowy park, Tommy was seen talking to Tubbo, Sapnap beside him. As they went closer, they heard Sapnap talking sternly to them. In the end, Tommy stuck his tongue out and flipped Sapnap off before turning to Tubbo, who gave him some pebbles. Sapnap then faced Tubbo, then explaining something. Tommy turned and walked away, counting the pebbles. The two followed Tommy, who went to a nice, tiny igloo where Wilbur stuck out his head and waved.

Eret, Fundy, and Eret watched from afar when Sapnap yelled something anout 'reporting them', and Tubbo nodding in agreement. The two boys inside the igloo stumbled out and made a run for it, Tubbo and Sapnap following, none noticing the three standing there and watching.

After a good ten minutes of Eret, Fundy, and Niki talking, Eret and Niki decided to go and get some hot chocolate from a vendor nearby. Once they left, Wilbur Tommy, Tubbo, and Sapnap came up to Fundy.

"Fundy! You gotta see what these shits are doing!" Sapnap yelled, Tommy screaming back that it was an innocent hobby. Sapnap walked over to the igloo, Tommy and Wilbur getting there first.

"No! You're the ones who're making dangerous snowballs!" Wilbur yelled back.

"Yeah what even are you doing in there?" Fundy asked, standing at the entrance.  

"Making snow cones!" Wilbur yelled from the inside. Shouts of agreement were heard from Tommy, who was also inside. 

"Snow cones? In snow?" Fundy asked.

"No they're making snowballs with-" Tubbo started.

"Artificial flavour!" Tommy covered up. Fundy was skeptical. Tommy stumbled out from the inside, holding a snow cone with blue on it. Fundy took it with hesitation, Sapnap and Tubbo yelling that it was probably Windex or something. Hesitantly, Fundy licked it. It was actually blue raspberry. Hai eyebrows arched. 

Everything was silent.

"I prefer berry mix, but blue raspberry is fine." Fundy replied to their dilema, taking another lick. 

"Yes! We have cherry, blue raspberry, lemon, and grape!" Tommy shouted. Tubbo and Sapnap's jaws were through the snow. Sapnap quickly recomposed, tackling Tommy. Everyone around, that is the five of them, besides Sapnap, screamed. 

"Sapnap, Sapnap, get off of him!" Tubbo yelled, trying to get the fifteen year old off. Eventually, Sapnap did get off, and they retreated, Tubbo sending them a sad look of longing.

"How was it?" Wilbur asked, tending to his twelve year old brother. Tommy was saying he was fine, but was wincing every now and then.

"A bit more pebbles would make it easier to knock someone out." Fundy noted. "I already knew."

"Oh." Wilbur said, defeated.

Unbeknownst to the trio, Sapnap and Tubbo had taken a loop and were hiding on the opposite side of the igloo, finding Eret coming back from hot chocolate. They told her the story, and he joined Tubbo and Sapnap's side, hiding as well. Through a crack in the snow, they saw the pebbles, rocks, ice, icicles, and other things that make snowballs dangerous in the igloo.

Purpled and Ponk came together, looking for a snowball maker that Ponk had lost to Tommy the day before. Wilbur knew of it, but the brothers needed all the snowball makers they could, so the duo tried to avoid the other two. Sapnap, Tubbo, and Eret were hiding out in a treehouse found by Tubbo, watching the igloo from afar, taking notes so that they could tell a responsible adult.

"Ponk! Purpled!" Tubbo whisper-shouted at the two. "Wanna join us in reporting Tommy and Wilbur to a responsible adult?" The two nodded. New allies, pog?

"Well Dream and George are decently responsible. What about them?" Ponk asked.

"Probably making out somewhere. Time to spy on the Craft brothers!" Tubbo said happily, skipping off to watch Tommy and Wilbur from a tree.

And im too lazy so we gonna stop there-

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