December 9

126 2 1

person this is dedicated to reads my books

So this prompt is to search a random word and write what it means to you. I chose five words actually 

And i used a website for random words and may or may not have clicked until i found words that make sense-

Update on me

Math, probably failed, music, i went home early because of a shit headache. My stomach also got fucked up and I felt like throwing up so i didnt get to eat much lol. Not an ED i love my food.

Dead - 

Being dead was this cold feeling. Like everything and nothing, put together. Pain and comfort mixed. Sadness and bliss combined. Sanity and insanity together. Tommy hated it. There was always this cold wind, that never left. And it wasn't a nice one. It was loud yet quiet, bright but dark. Trains always passed. You didn't have any money in your pockets at the station. The tiled floor of the subway was always cold and really loud when you took a step. Your ticket kept cutting your hands, but no blood came out. You could see the shadows of other people waiting for the train to bring them to their stop. You could see ghosts in the train, waiting to switch places with their alive person. Tommy once talked with someone's ghost. He didn't even get who they were when alive.


See definitions in:


1. no longer alive.

"a dead body"

Similar: deceased, expired, departed, gone, no more, passed, onpassed, away, late, lostl, amented, perished, fallen, slain, slaughtered, killed,murdered, lifeless, not breathing, having breathed one's last, defunctext, inctinanimate, insentient, insensateinert, (as) dead as a doornail, six feet under, pushing up daisies, under the sodwith God, asleep at peace, demised, exanimate

Opposite: alive, living

Cry - 

Tommy has cried a lot, to his shame. He did when being non-canon killed for the first time, when Dream decided on war, when Tommy finally realized that he was gonna fight grown adults at seven, when he realized that he was going to have to give his discs for freedom, when Tommy had to hide his discs from Dream during the Railway Skirmish, when he realized the people he fought next to turned on him the second they got the order, when Wilbur started to gaslight, manipulate, and abuse Tommy's love and trust, when Fundy burned the flag, when Niki was literally surrounded by sexism, when he heard that their beloved nation was renamed Manburg, when Tubbo lost his canon life in a charade of colours, when Wilbur crumpled up his symphony, when Tommy saw his brother as a ghost for the first time, when Tubbo ditched him instantly when Dream just said a single sentence, when Tommy's progress went out with a bang, when Tommy was so hungry that he started to eat literal grass, when Logstedshire got blown up, when he heard that his ex-best friend tried to kill his still alive brother, when Dream actually had the audacity of looking for Tommy, when Tubbo was threatened to be killed by Dream for his discs, when Tubbo said the iconic line of 'yourself', tears of joy when Dream was packed away to the deepest, hottest, farthest cell in Pandora's Vault, when Tommy realized that Niki and Jack were trying to kill him, when Tommy was locked in the deepest, hottest, farthest cell in Pandora's Vault, when he was getting beat to death, when he came back to life, when Tubbo yet again betrayed him, when Tommy accidentally killed Ghostbur, when he realized that  Revivebur was just as bad as Insanebur, when Tommy found out that the boy who didn't choose sides chose a side, when Technoblade and Philza helped break his manipulator, abuser, torturer, and murderer out of prison, when a true friend died and enjoyed death, when he learnt that another man of slime was killed by a fellow minor, during almost every single Puffy Therapy, and just any panic/anxiety attacks from the basic paranoia from Dream's breakout, the scratched disc, and their chat in the exile location.

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