Boat AU

141 4 3

Wilbur was walking around Fabulaehythe, with no destination in mind. He was simply exploring while his father, a merchant, did his business. Wilbur disliked trading, he much preferred singing and dancing, or perhaps playing an instrument. The old cottages were lined up on the banks of the cobblestone roads, people bustling around. Horse and buggies trotted around, ladies with babies or men with business parting for them. Wilbur adjusted his guitar and went inside a pub labeled "Lumbere Bar". 

The chatting didn't stop as Wilbur entered and took a seat at the table, ordering a shandy. The bartender didn't question him for it, even if he did look like an adult. In truth, he was sixteen, but definitely looked at least nineteen. He was also called observant, so when he looked to be minding his own business, Wil was actually listening around the bar for interesting information. 

"Yeah, the Billy o' Tea is leavin' in an hour, best be ready." A voice said. Wilbur glanced over and saw two males, a guy with brown hair, white and black goggles, black pants, and a blue dress shirt, and a boy, maybe thirteen, with a red dress shirt, brown tattered pants, and green bandanna. It seemed as though the younger boy had said it.

"You sure you still want to go? Pretty dangerous, and you have to leave all the women in Fabulaehythe behind~" The brown hair male said, most likely trying to convince his partner to stay.

"Yes, George, I want to go. Tubbo's going so I have to." The boy said confidently to 'George'. George sighed. 

"Tommy, please. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you died looking for a stupid whale." George said, brushing his finger over the rim of his mug. Tommy faltered. 

"I swear to you, Gogy, I will not die because you will die for me." Tommy said jokingly, finishing what Wilbur hoped was a shandy. George cracked a smile as he stood up, Tommy following. They exited the pub. 

"Excuse me, Miss..." Wilbur trailed off. The bartender laughed. 

"My name's Niki. How can I help?" Niki asked politely. Wilbur couldn't help but admire how polite, hardworking, and patient women were. They were the opposite of men, who were bulky, loud, and rude. Sometimes Wilbur wished he wasn't compared to other boys.

"What's this about a billy of tea?" He asked her. She laughed lightly.

"O'. No of. Billy o' Tea. It's a ship leaving the harbour in an hour or so, it's the second one made. The BOT is trying to find a whale dubbed Wellerman, it's the biggest one seen and multiple ships have gone out for it. Most famous is the one that left 20 years ago, the first Billy o' Tea. I'm rooting for it, everyone knows Tommy and Tubbo, the youngest people on the ship, and no one wants them to be lost at sea like the first. Poor kids are orphans on the street, they need something to do to get a basic education, the village has been paying for their food so far." Niki answered, a look of pity on her face at the mention of the blonde kid and his friend. 

"Thank you. Their accepting children for this?" Wilbur asked. 

"Yeah, the captain is especially nice. Will basically allow anyone who can help out in exchange for food, water, shelter, and riches from the Wellerman." Niki told him. A man from the other side of the bar yelled for her, and she sent him an apologetic look and went off. Wilbur put down some coins and finished his shandy before leaving the pub. 

Wilbur went to the docks, where some amount of people were lifting cargo up the ramp and to the ship. They were singing something, but Wilbur wasn't focused on that. He went over to one of them that was taking a break, smiling. 

"Hello. I was wondering if I could join the crew." He said politely. 

"Psh. Go join your royalty, bobolyne." He spat. 

"Oi! Sapnap! Don't be a dorbel! He wants to join, talk to the first mate!" Tommy yelled over the edge of the ship. Sapnap groaned before gesturing for Wilbur to follow. He was brought to the piles of boxes, where a man with a small red shoulder cape was walking away from. 

"Yo Blade! This cumberworld wants to join!" Sapnap yelled over to Blade. The man came over and studied Wilbur. Wilbur looked back, though internally he was terrified. The man had biceps so big that it would challenge The Rock, even if he wasn't born yet lol. Wilbur wasn't used to how many insults that were tossed around carelessly. 

"Why d'you wanna join?" Blade asked carefully.

"You're sailing away from here. One of your stops is L'Manburg, where I wanna go. I want to start a new life there. I don't even care about the Wellerman, or it's riches, I'll help you look for it." Wilbur said bravely, looking into the blood red eyes. The two kept staring, before a hand came into their faces. 

"'Ello?" The person asked loudly. They blinked and turned to see Tommy, with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Quit starin' Techno. Yes or no, simple as that." Tommy said, turning on his heel. Techno huffed.

"Fine. Any strange business, royal..." Techno muttered threateningly. Wilbur gulped. He turned to face the other crewmates A/N amongus.

"Hi. I'm Karl."


"Quackity, but you can call me Big Q or just Q."



"The great Tommyinnit to you!"

"I'm Bad!"



"My name's Fundy!"

"And I'm Tubbo!"

"Hi. I'm Wilbur."

Everyone chorused hellos, cheerful or not. The captain's quarters doors opened. Out stride a woman with brown hair, front strands white. The back of her hair was dyed colours of the rainbow. 

"I'm Captain Puffy." She introduced. Wilbur repeated his name, and they shook. He could say that she had a strong grip. 

A few hours later, all the citizens of Fabulaehythe, and some visitors, gathered around the wood ship cheering at the sailors willing to go on an adventure they might not come back from. Tommy loved the attention, but pretended not to care as he talked to Tubbo. Wilbur kept his head low when he saw his father waving to the ship, not caring where Wilbur actually was. Probably thought he was also in the crowd somewhere. When Wilbur cast a glance at the crew, he saw a familiar barista. He'd question it later.

The ropes got untied, the anchor got lifted, and they were off. Wilbur finally waved when the people were small enough not to be able to see their faces. He sighed. The salty smell of the sea tickled his throat, stung his eyes in a good way, and ruffled his hair. 

Wilbur smiled. 

He was free.

At least, he was free from Philza Minecraft, famous merchant.

From the Wellerman?

He was trapped.

Right part 2 i assume?

And im too lazy to proofread sorry lol

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